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Alexander von Humboldt: „Earth waves of commotion“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 26.04.2024].

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Titel Earth waves of commotion
Jahr 1858
Ort Nicht ermittelt
in: The Statesman 17 (30. Januar 1858), S. 405.
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: VI.58
Dateiname: 1845-Les_tremblements_de-40-neu
Seitenanzahl: 1
Zeichenanzahl: 2005

Weitere Fassungen
Les tremblements de terre (Paris, 1845, Französisch)
Earthquakes (Cupar, 1845, Englisch)
First Impression Made by an Earthquake (Dundee, 1846, Englisch)
First Impression made by an Earthquake (Leeds, 1846, Englisch)
First impression made by an earthquake (Hereford, 1846, Englisch)
First Impression made by an Earthquake (Kalkutta, 1846, Englisch)
Les tremblements de terre (Sankt Petersburg, 1846, Französisch)
Alexander von Humboldt über die Erdbeben (Frankfurt am Main, 1846, Deutsch)
Erdbeben (Wien, 1846, Deutsch)
Alexander von Humboldt über die Erdbeben (Passau, 1846, Deutsch)
Alexander v. Humboldt über die Erdbeben (Leipzig, 1846, Deutsch)
Subterranean Noises (Derby, 1846, Englisch)
Earthquakes (Southampton, 1846, Englisch)
Extraordinary subterranean noises (London, 1846, Englisch)
Subterranean noises (Hereford, 1846, Englisch)
Earthquakes (London, 1846, Englisch)
Extraordinary subterranean noises (London, 1846, Englisch)
Subterranean Noises (Manchester, 1846, Englisch)
The Motion of Earthquakes (London, 1846, Englisch)
The Motion of Earthquakes (Manchester, 1846, Englisch)
Strange Phenomena of Earthquakes (New York City, New York, 1846, Englisch)
The Motion of Earthquakes (Maidstone, 1846, Englisch)
Strange phenomenon of earthquakes (Washington, District of Columbia, 1847, Englisch)
The Motion of Earthquakes (Belfast, 1847, Englisch)
Strange Phenomenon of Earthquakes (Washington, Arkansas, 1847, Englisch)
Earthquakes (London, 1847, Englisch)
De aardbevingen (Amsterdam, 1847, Niederländisch)
Os terremotos (Rio de Janeiro, 1848, Portugiesisch)
Los temblores (Santiago de Chile, 1850, Spanisch)
First impression made by an earthquake (Edinburgh, 1852, Englisch)
A Philosopher’s feelings on occasion of an Earthquake (Shanghai, 1853, Englisch)
Earthquake Under the Tropics (Port Tobacco, Maryland, 1853, Englisch)
Erdbeben (Berlin, 1853, Deutsch)
Erdbeben (Leipzig, 1853, Deutsch)
First Impression of an Earthquake (Leicester, 1854, Englisch)
Erdbeben (Leipzig, 1855, Deutsch)
Aus Humboldt’s ’Kosmos’ (New York City, New York, 1857, Deutsch)
About Earthquakes (London, 1856, Englisch)
Volcanoes are safety-valves (Bolton, 1858, Englisch)
Earth waves of commotion (Nicht ermittelt, 1858, Englisch)
The Lisbon Earthquake (Ashton-under-Lyne, 1858, Englisch)


In the city of Quito, which lies at the foot of a still active volcano (theRuca Pichincha), and at an elevation of 9,540 feet above the level ofthe sea, which has beautiful cupolas, high vaulted churches, andmassive edifices of several stories, I have often been astonished thatthe violence of the nocturnal earthquakes so seldom causes fissures inthe walls; whilst in the Peruvian plains, oscillations, apparently muchless intense, injure low reed cottages. The natives, who have expe-rienced many hundred earthquakes, believe that the difference dependsless upon the length or shortness of the waves, and the slowness orrapidity of the horizontal vibrations, than on the uniformity of themotion in opposite directions. The circling rotatory commotions arethe most uncommon, but, at the same time, the most dangerous.Walls were observed to be twisted, but not thrown down; rows of treesturned from their previous parallel direction; and fields, covered withdifferent kinds of plants, found to be displaced in the great earthquakeof Riobamba, in the province of Quito, on the 4th February, 1797,and in that of Calabria, between the 5th of February and the 28thof March, 1783. The phenomenon of the inversion or displacementof fields and pieces of land, by which one is made to occupy the placeof another, is connected with a translatory motion or penetration ofseparate terrestrial strata. When I made the plan of the ruined townof Riobamba, one particular spot was pointed out to me, where all thefurniture of one house had been found under the ruins of another.The loose earth had evidently moved like a fluid in currents, whichmust be assumed to have been directed first downwards, then hori-zontally, and lastly upwards. It was found necessary to appeal tothe Audiencia, or Council of Justice, to decide upon the contentionsthat arose regarding the proprietorship of objects that had been re-moved to a distance of many hundred toises.—
