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Alexander von Humboldt: „Account of the Travels between the Tropics of Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland, in 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. By J. C. Delamétherie“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <https://humboldt.unibe.ch/text/1804-Baron_Humboldt-21-neu> [abgerufen am 26.01.2025].
Permalink: https://humboldt.unibe.ch/text/1804-Baron_Humboldt-21-neu |
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Titel | Account of the Travels between the Tropics of Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland, in 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. By J. C. Delamétherie | ||||||
Jahr | 1805 | ||||||
Ort | London | ||||||
Nachweis in: The Monthly Magazine; or, British Register 19:6:130 (1. Juli 1805), S. 556–558; 20:1:132 (1. August 1805), S. 15–17; 20:2:133 (1. September 1805), S.112–116.
Sprache | Englisch | ||||||
Typografischer Befund | Antiqua (mit lang-s); Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung; Fußnoten mit Asterisken; Schmuck: Initialen. | ||||||
Identifikation |
account of the travels between the tropics of messrs. humboldt and bonpland, in 1799, 1800, 1801,1802, 1803, and 1804. By j. c. de-lametherie.
account of the travels between the tropics of messrs. humboldt and bonpland, in 1799, 1800, 1801,1802, 1803, and 1804. By j. c. de-lametherie.
account of the travels between the tropics of messrs. humboldt and bonpland, in 1799, 1800, 1801,1802, 1803, and 1804. By j. c. de-lametherie. (Concluded from page 17 of our laſt Number.)