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Alexander von Humboldt: „Baron Humboldt“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 26.01.2025].

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Titel Baron Humboldt
Jahr 1804
Ort Amherst, New Hampshire
in: Farmer’s Cabinet 2:47 (25. September 1804), S. [2]; 2:48 (2. Oktober 1804), S. [1–2]; 2:49 (9. Oktober 1804), S. [2].
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua (mit lang-s); Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung; Fußnoten mit Asterisken.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: II.23
Dateiname: 1804-Baron_Humboldt-12-neu
Seitenanzahl: 4
Spaltenanzahl: 8
Zeichenanzahl: 23393

Weitere Fassungen
Baron Humboldt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1804, Englisch)
Notice d’un voyage aux tropiques, exécuté par MM. Humboldt et Bonpland, en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804. Par J.-C. Delamétherie (Paris, 1804, Französisch)
Baron Humboldt (New York City, New York, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (New York City, New York, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Charleston, South Carolina, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Washington, District of Columbia, 1804, Englisch)
Travels of Baron Humboldt (Kingston, New York, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Washington, District of Columbia, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Amherst, New Hampshire, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Richmond, Virginia, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1804, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt (Dover, New Hampshire, 1804, Englisch)
Auszug aus Delametheriés vorläufiger Nachricht von der durch die Herren v. Humboldt und Bonpland in den Jahren 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 und 1804 nach den Wendekreisen unternommenen Reise (Wien, 1804, Deutsch)
Reise der Herren von Humboldt und Bonpland nach den Wendekreisen In den Jahren 1799 bis 1804. Eine gedrängte Uebersicht des Auszugs ihrer Memoiren v. J. C. Delametherie. Nach dem Französischen übertragen von Schirges Dr. (Hannover, 1805, Deutsch)
J. C. Delametherie’s vorläufige Nachricht von der durch die Herren v. Humboldt und Bonpland in den Jahren 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 und 1804 nach den Wendekreisen unternommenen Reise (Weimar, 1805, Deutsch)
Short Account of the Travels between the Tropics, by Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland, in 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. By J. C. Delametherie (London, 1805, Englisch)
J. C. Delametherie’s vorläufige Nachricht von der durch die Herren von Humboldt und Bonpland in den Jahren 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 und 1804 nach den Wendekreisen unternommenen Reise (Salzburg, 1805, Deutsch)
Account of the Travels between the Tropics of Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland, in 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. By J. C. Delamétherie (London, 1805, Englisch)
Travels in South America (Edinburgh, 1805, Englisch)
Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland en Amérique, tiré du magasin littéraire de Philadelphie, publié en juillet 1804 (Paris, 1807, Französisch)
|2| |Spaltenumbruch| BARON HUMBOLDT, having trav-elled from the year 1790, as a naturaliſt,through Germany, Poland, France, Switz-erland, and through parts of England, It-aly, Hungary, and Spain, came to Paris,in 1798, when he received an invitationfrom the directors of the national muſeum, toaccompany Captain Baudin , in his voyageround the world.—Citizen Alexander AimeGourjon Bonpland , a native of Rochelle, andbrought up in the Paris Muſeum, was alſoto have accompanied them; when on thepoint of departing, the whole plan was ſuſ-pended until a more favorable opportu- nity, owing to the recommencement ofthe war with Auſtria, and to the conſe-quent want of funds. Mr. Humboldt, who, from 1792, hadconceived the plan of travelling throughIndia, at his own expenſe, with a view ofadding to the knowledge of the ſciences con-nected with natural hiſtory, then reſolved tofollow the learned men, who had gone onthe expedition to Egypt.—His plan was togo to Algiers in the Swediſh frigate, whichcarried the Conſul Skoldebrandt, to followthe caravan, which goes from Algiers toMecca, going through Egypt to Arabia,and thence by the Perſian gulph, to theEngliſh Eaſt-India eſtabliſhments. Thewar, which unexpectedly broke out in Octo-ber, 1798, between France and the Barbarypowers, and the troubles in the Eaſt, pre-vented Mr. Humboldt from embarking atMarſeilles, where he had been fruitleſslytwo months waiting to proceed. Impatientat this delay, and continuing firm in hisdetermination to go to Egypt, he went toSpain hoping to paſs more readily underthe Spaniſh flag from Carthagena to Al-giers and Tunis. He took with him thelarge collection of philoſophical, chemical,and aſtronomical inſtruments, which he pur-chaſed in England and France. From a happy concurrence of circum-ſtances, he obtained, in February, 1799,from the Court of Madrid, a permiſſion toviſit the Spaniſh colonies of the two Amer-icas, a permiſſion which was granted with aliberality and frankneſs, which was honora-ble to the government and to a philoſophicage. After a reſidence of ſome months atthe Spaniſh court, during which time theKing ſhowed a ſtrong perſonal intereſt in theplan, Mr. Humboldt, in June, 1799, left Eu-rope, accompanied by Mr. Bonpland, who,to a profound knowledge in botany and zoo-logy, added an indefatigable zeal. It is withthis friend that Mr. Humboldt has accom-pliſhed, at his own expenſe, his travels in thetwo hemiſpheres, by land and ſea, probablythe moſt extenſive which any individual hasever undertaken. Theſe two travellers left Corruna, in theSpaniſh ſhip Pizarro, for the Canary Iſlands,where they aſcended to the crater of the Peakof Teyde, and made experiments on the anal-yſis of the air. In July they arrived at theport of Cumuna, in South-America. In1799, 1800, they viſited the coaſt of Paria,the miſſions of the Chaymas Indians, theprovinces of New-Andaluſa, (a country,which had been rent by the moſt, dreadfulearthquakes, the hotteſt, and yet the moſthealthy in the world), of New-Barcelona, ofVenezuela, and of Spaniſh Guayana.—InJanuary, 1800, they left Caraccas, to viſitthe beautiful vallies of Aragua, where thegreat lake of Valencia recals to the mind theviews of the lake of Geneva, embelliſhed bythe majeſty of the vegetation of the tropics.From Porto Cabello they croſſed, to theſouth, the immenſe plains of Calabozo, of Apure, and of the Oronoco, alſo Los Lla-nos, a deſert ſimilar to thoſe of Africa, wherein the ſhade, by the reverbation of heat)the thermometer of Reaumur roſe to 35 and37 (111 to 115 F.) degrees. The levelof the country for 2000 ſquare leagues doesnot differ 5 inches. The ſand every whererepreſents the horizon of the ſea, withoutvegetation; and its dry boſom hides the croc-odiles, and the torpid boa, (a ſpecies of ſer-pent.) The travelling here, as in all SpaniſhAmerica, except Mexico, is performed onhorſeback. They paſſed whole days with-out ſeeing a palm tree or the veſtige of ahuman dwelling. At St. Fernando de A-pure, in the province of Varinas, Meſſrs. Humboldt and Bonpland began that fatigu-ing navigation of nearly 1000 marine leaguesexecuted in canoes, making a chart of the |Spaltenumbruch| country, by the aſſiſtance of chronometers,the ſatellites of Jupiter, and the lunar diſ-tances. They deſcended the river Apure,which empties itſelf into the Oronoco, in 7degrees of latitude. They aſcended the laſtriver (paſſing the celebrated cataracts ofMaypure and Atures) to the mouth of theGuavaire. From thence they aſcended theſmall rivers of Tabapa, Juamina, and Temi.From the miſſion of Sarita, they croſſed byland to the ſources of the famous Rio Negro,which Condamine ſaw, where it joins the Amazon, and which he calls a ſea of freſhwater. About 30 Indians carried the can-noes through woods of Mami Lecythis, andLaurus Cinamomoides, to the cano, orcreek of Pimichin. It was by this ſmallſtream that the travellers entered the RioNegro, or Black River, which they deſcend-ed to St. Carlos, which has been erroneouſ-ly ſuppoſed to be placed under the equator,or juſt at the frontier of Great Para, in thegovernment of Braſila: A canal from Temito Pimichin, which from the level nature ofthe ground is very practicable, would preſenta fine internal communication between thePara, and the province of Carracas, a com-munication infinitely ſhorter than that ofCaſſiquiare.—From the fortreſs of St. Car-los, on the Rio Negro, Mr. H. went northup that river and the Caſſiquiare to the O-ronoco, and on this river to the volcano Dai-da, or the miſſion of the Esmeralda, nearthe ſources of the Oronoco: the Indians,Guaicas, (a race of men almoſt pigmies,very white and very warlike) render fruitleſsany atempts to reach the ſources themſelves. From the Eſmeralda, Meſſrs. H. and B.went down the Oronoco, when the watersroſe, towards its mouths at St. Thomas dela Guayana, or the Angoſtura. It was dur-ing this long navigation that they were in acontinued ſtate of ſuffering, from want ofnouriſhment and ſhelter, from the nightrains, from living in the woods, from themoſquetoes, and an infinite variety of ſting-ing inſects, and from the impoſſibility ofbathing, owing to the fierceneſs of the croc-odile and the little carib fiſh, and finally themiaſmata of a burning climate. They re-turned to Cumuna by the plains of Cari andthe miſſion of the Carib Indians, a race ofmen very different from any other, andprobably, after the Patagonians, the talleſtand moſt robuſt in the world. After remaining ſome months at New-Barcelona and Cumuna, the travellers ar-rived at the Havanna, after a tedious anddangerous navigation, the veſſel being inthe night on the point of ſtriking upon the Vibora rocks. Mr. H. remained threemonths in the iſland of Cuba, where he oc-cupied himſelf in aſcertaining the longitudeof the Havanna, and in conſtructing ſtoveson the ſugar plantations, which have ſincebeen pretty generally adopted. They wereon the point of ſetting off for Vera Cruz,meaning by the way of Mexico and Acapul-co, to go to the Philippine Iſlands, and fromthence, if it was poſſible, by Bombay and Aleppo, to Conſtantinople, when ſome falſereports relative to Baudin’s voyage alarmedthem, and made them change their plan.The gazettes held out the idea that thisnavigator would proceed from France toBuenos Ayres, and from thence by CapeHorn, for Chili and the coaſt of Peru. Mr. Humboldt had promiſed to Mr. Baudin,and to the Muſeum of Paris, that whereverhe might be, he would endeavor to join theexpedition, as ſoon as he ſhould know of itshaving been commenced. He flattered him-ſelf that his reſearches, and thoſe of hisfriend Bonpland, might be more uſeful toſcience, if united to the labors of the learnedmen, who would accompany Capt. Baudin. Theſe conſiderations induced Mr. Hum-boldt to ſend his manuſcripts, for 1799 and1800, direct to Europe, and to freight aſmall ſchooner at Batabano, intending to goto Carthagena, and from thence, as quicklyas poſſible, by the Iſthmus of Panama, tothe South Sea. He hoped to find Capt. Baudin at Guayaquil, or at Lima, andwith him to viſit New Holland, and the iſl-ands of the Pacific Ocean, equally intereſt-ing in a moral point of view, as by the lux-uriance of their vegetation. It appeared imprudent to expoſe themanuſcripts and collections already madeto the risks of this propoſed navigation.Theſe manuſcripts of the fate of which Mr.H. remained ignorant during three years,and until his arrival in Philadelphia, arriv-ed ſafe, but one third part of the collectionwas loſt by ſhip-wreck. Fortunately, (ex-cept the inſects of the Oronoco, and of theRio Negro) they were only duplicates; butunhappily, friar John Gonzales, monk ofthe order of St. Francis, the friend to whomthey, were entruſted, periſhed with them.He was a young man full of ardor, whohad penetrated into this unknown world ofSpaniſh Guayana further than any otherEureopean. (To be continued.) |1| |Spaltenumbruch|


(in continuation.)
Mr. HUMBOLDT left Batabano in March, 1801, and paſſed to theſouth of the iſland of Cuba, onwhich he determined many geo-graphical poſitions. The paſſagewas rendered very long by calms, |Spaltenumbruch| and the currents carried the littleſchooner too much to the weſt, tothe mouths of the Attracto. Theveſſel put into the river Sinu, whichno botaniſt had ever viſited before,and they had a very difficult paſſageup to Carthagena. The seaſon be-ing too far advanced for the SouthSea navigation, the project of croſſ-ing the iſthmus was abandoned;and animated by the deſire of be-ing acquainted with the celebrated Mutis, and admiring his immenſelyrich collections of objects of nat-ural hiſtory, Mr. H. determinedto paſs ſome weeks in the woods ofTurbaco, and to aſcend (which tookforty days) the beautiful river Mad-elaine, of the courſe of which heſketched a chart. From Honda, our travellers aſcen-ded through foreſts of oaks, of mel-aſtoma, and of cinchona (the treewhich affords the Peruvian bark,)to St. Fe de Bogota, capital of thekingdom of New Grenada,ſituated in a fine plain, el-evated 1360 toiſes (of ſix Frenchfeet) above the level of the ſea. Theſuperb collections of Mutis, the maj-eſtic cataract of the Tequedama(falls of 98 toiſes height) the Minesof Mariquita, St. Ana, and of Zip-aquira, the natural bridge of Scon-onza (three ſtones thrown togetherin the manner of an arch, by anearthquake,) theſe curious objectsſtopped the progreſs of Meſſrs. Hum-boldt and Bonpland until the monthof September, 1801. At this time, notwithſtanding therainy ſeaſon had commenced, theyundertook the journey to Quito,and paſſed the Andes of Quindiu,which are ſnowy mountains cover-ed with wax-palm-trees (palmiers acire), with paſſe flores (paſſion flow-ers) of the growth of trees, ſtorax,and bambuſa (bamboo.) They were,during 13 days, obliged, to paſs onfoot thro’ places dreadfully ſwam-py, and without any traces of popu-lation. From the village of Carthago, inthe valley of Cauca, they followedthe Choco, the country of Platina,which was there found in roundpieces of baſalte and green rock(grein ſtein of Werner, and foſſilwood.) They paſs by Buga to Po-payan, a biſhop’s ſee, and ſituatednear the volcanoes of Sotara andPurace, a moſt pictureſque ſituation,and enjoying the moſt delicious cli-mate in the world, the thermometerof Reamur keeping conſtantly at 16to 18 (68 to 72 Fahr.) They aſcen-ded to the crater of the volcano ofPurace, whoſe mouth, in the middleof ſnow, throws out vapours ofſulphurous hydrogene, with a con-tinued and frightful rumbling. From Popayan they paſſed by thedefiles of Almager, avoiding the in-fected and contagious valley of Pa-tia, to Poſto, and from this town,even now ſituated at the foot of aburning volcano, by Tuquera andthe provinces of Paſtos, a flat por-tion of country, fertile in Europeangrain, but elevated more than 1500to 1600 toiſes above the towns ofIbarra and Quito. They arrived, in January, 1802,at this beautiful capital, celebratedby the labours of the illuſtrious Condamine, of Bouger, Godin, Don George Juan, and Ulloa, and ſtillmore celebrated by the great amia-bility of its inhabitants, and theirhappy turn for the arts. |2| |Spaltenumbruch| They remained nearly a year in the king-dom of Quito: the height of its ſnow-cap-ped mountains, its terrible earthquakes(that of February 7, 1797, ſwallowed up42,000 inhabitants, in a few ſeconds), itsfertility, and the manners of its inhabitants,combined to render it the moſt intereſtingſpot in the univerſe. After three vain at-tempts, they twice ſucceeded in aſcendingto the crater of the volcano of Pichincha,taking with them electrometers, barometers,and hydrometers. Condamine could onlyſtop here a few minutes, and that withoutinſtruments. In his time, this immenſe cra-ter was cold and filled with ſnow. Ourtravellers found it inflamed; diſtreſſing in-formation for the town of Quito, which isdiſtant from it only 5000 to 6000 toiſes. They made ſeparate viſits to the ſnowyand porphyritic mountains of Antiſana, Co-topaxi, Tungaraque, and Chimborazo, thelaſt the higheſt point of our globe. Theyſtudied the geological part of the Cordilleraof the Andes, on which ſubject nothing hasbeen publiſhed in Europe, mineralogy (ifthe expreſſion may be uſed) having beencreated, as it were, ſince the time of Con-damine. The geodeſical meaſurementsproved that ſome mountains particularlythe volcano of Tungaraque, has conſidera-bly lowered ſince 1750 which reſult agreeswith the obſervations made to them by theinhabitants. During the whole of this part of the jour-ney, they were accompanied by Mr. CharlesMontufar, ſon of the Marquis of Selva-ale-gre, of Quito, a perſon zealous for the pro-greſs of ſcience, and who is, at his own ex-penſe, rebuilding the pyramids of Saraqui,the extremity of the celebrated baſes of the triangles of the Spaniſh and French academi-cians. This intereſting young man havingfollowed Mr. Humboldt in the remainder ofhis journey through Peru and the Kingdomof New-Spain, is now on his paſſage withhim to Europe. Circumſtances were ſo favorable to theefforts of the three travellers, that at Anti-ſana they aſcended 2200 French feet, and atChimboraza, on June 22. 1802, nearly 3200feet higher than Condamine was able to car-ry his inſtruments. They aſcended to 3086toiſes elevation above the level of the ſea, theblood ſtarting from their eyes, lips, andgums. An opening, of 80 toiſes deep, andvery wide, prevented them from reachingthe top, from which they were only diſtant134 toiſes. It was at Quito that Mr. Humboldt re-ceived a letter from the National Inſtituteof France, informing him that Capt. Bau-din had proceeded by the Cape of GoodHope, and that there was no longer anyhope of joining him. After having examined the country over-turned by the earthquake of Riobamba, in1797, they paſſed by the Andes of Aſſuay to Cuenza. The deſire of comparing theCinchonas diſcovered by Mr. Mutis, at San-ta Fe de Bogota, and with thoſe of Popayan,and the cuſpa and cuſpare of New Andalu-ſia, and of the river Caroni, (named falſelyCortex Auguſtura), with the Chinchonas ofLoxa and Peru, they preferred deviatingfrom the beaten track from Cuenza to Li-ma; but they paſſed with immenſe difficul-ties in the carriage of their inſtruments andcollections, by the forest (paramo) of Sa-ragura to Loxa, and from thence to theprovince of Jaen de Bracamoros. They hadto croſs thirty-five times, two days, the riverGuancabamba, so dangerous for its ſuddenfreſhes. They ſaw the ruins of the ſuperbYnga road, comparable to the fineſt roads inFrance, and which went upon the ridge ofthe Andes from Cuſco to the Aſſuay, ac-commodated with fountains and taverns. They deſcended the river Chamaya, whichled them into that of the Amazones, and theynavigated this laſt river down to the cata-racts of Tomeperda, one of the moſt fertile,but one of the hotteſt climates of the habit-able globe. From the Amazone river theyreturned to the ſouth-eaſt by the Cordilleraof the Andes to Montar, where they foundthey had paſſed the magnetic equator, theinclination being 0, although at ſeven de-grees of ſouth latitude. They viſited themines of Hualguayoc, where native ſilver isfound at the height of 2000 toiſes. Someof the veins of theſe mines contain petrifiedſhells, and which, with thoſe of Paſco andHuantajayo, are actually the richeſt of Pe-ru. From Caxamarca they deſcended toTruxillo, in the neighborhood of which arefound the ruins of the immenſe Peruvian ci-ty, Manſiche. It was on this weſtern deſcent of the An-des that the three voyagers, for the firſt time,had the pleaſure of ſeeing the Pacific O-cean. They followed its barren ſides, for-merly watered by the canals of the Yngasat Santa Guerma, in Lima. They re-mained ſome months in this intereſting capi-tal of Peru, of which the inhabitants are diſ-tinguiſhed by the vivacity of their genius,and the liberality of their ideas. Mr. Humboldt had the good fortune toobſerve the end of the paſsage of Mercuryover the ſun’s disk, in the port of Callao.He was aſtoniſhed to find, at ſuch a diſ-tance from Europe the moſt recent produc- |Spaltenumbruch|tions, in chemistry, mathematics, and medi-cine: and he found great activity of mindin the inhabitants, who, in a climate whereit never either rains or thunders, have beenfalſely accuſed of indolence. (To be concluded in our next.)
|2| |Spaltenumbruch|


Concluded. FROM Lima, our travellers paſſed by ſeato Guayaquil, ſituated on the brink of a riv-er, where the growth of the palm tree isbeautiful beyond deſcription. They everymoment heard the rumbling of the volcanoof Cotopaxi, which made an alarming ex-ploſion on the 6th January, 1803. Theyimmediately ſet off to viſit it a ſecond time,when the unexpected intelligence of theſpeedy departure of the frigate Atalanta,determined them to return, after be-ing ſeven days expoſed to the dreadful at-tacks of the moſquetoes of Babaoya andUjibar. They had a fortunate paſſage, by the Pa-cific Ocean, to Acapulco, the weſtern portof the kingdom of New-Spain, famous forthe beauty of its harbor, which appears tohave been formed by earthquakes, for themiſery of its inhabitants, and for its climate,which is equally hot and unhealthy. Mr. Humboldt had originally the inten-tion to remain only a few months in Mexi-co, and to haſten his return to Europe;his voyage had already been too much pro-tracted, his inſtruments, particularly thechronometers, began to be out of order, andevery effort that he made to have new onesſent to him proved of no avail; add to thisconſideration, that the progreſs of ſcienceis ſo rapid in Europe, that, in a journeythat laſts four or five years, great risk isrun of contemplating the different pheno-mena under aſpects, which are no longer in-tereſting at the moment of publiſhing thereſult of your labors. Mr. Humboldt hop-ed to be in France in Auguſt or September,1803, but the attractions of a country, ſobeautiful and ſo varied, as is that of thekingdom of New-Spain, the great-hoſ-pitality of its inhabitants, and the fearof the yellow fever* ſo fatal, from June toNovember, for thoſe who come from themountainous part of the country, led himto ſtay a year in this kingdom. Our travellers aſcended from Acapulco to Taſco, celebrated for its mines, as inter-eſting as they are ancient. They riſe, byſmall degrees, from the ardent valley ofMeſcala and Papagayo, where the thermom-eter of Reaumur ſtands, in the ſhade, con-ſtantly from 28 to 31 (95 to 101 Fah.) ina region 6 or 700 toiſes above the level ofthe ſea, where you find the oaks, the pines,and the fougere, (fern) as large as trees,and where the European grains are culti-vated. They paſſed by Taſco, by CuernaVaca, to the capital of Mexico.—This city,of 150,000 inhabitants is placed upon theancient ſite of Texochtitlan, between thelakes of Tezcuco and Xochimilco, lakeswhich have leſſened ſomewhat ſince theSpaniards have opened the canal of Huch-entoca, in ſight of two ſnow-topped moun-tains, of which one, Ponocatepec, is evennow an active volcano, ſurrounded by agreat number of walks, ſhaded with trees,and by Indian villages. This capital of Mexico, ſituated, 1160toiſes above the ſea, in a mild and temperateclimate, may doubtleſs be compared toſome of the fineſt towns in Europe. Greatſcientific eſtabliſhments, ſuch as the Acade-my of Painting, Sculpture, and Engraving,the College of Mines, (owing to the liber-ality of the Company of Miners of Mexico)and the Botanic Garden, are inſtitutionswhich do honor to the government whichhas created them. After remaining ſome months in the val-ley of Mavic, and after fixing the longitudeof the capital, which had been laid downwith an error of nearly two degrees, ourtravellers viſited the mines of Moran andReal del Monte, and the Corro of Oyamel,where the ancient Mexicans had the manu-factory of knives, made of the obſidian ſtone.They ſoon after paſſed by Kueretaro andSalamanca to Guanaxoato, a town of fiftythouſand inhabitants, and celebrated for itsmines, more rich than thoſe of Potoſi haveever been. The mine of the count of Va-lenciania, which is 1840 French feet perpen-dicular depth, is the deepeſt and richeſtmine of the univerſe. The mine alonegives to its proprietor nearly ſix hundredthouſand dollars annual and conſtant profit. From Guanaxoato they returned by thevalley of St. Jago to Valladolid, in the an-cient kingdom of Michuakan, one of themoſt fertile and charming provinces of thekingdom. They deſcended from Paſcuarotowards the coaſt of the Pacific Ocean, tothe plains of Serullo, where, in 1759, in onenight a volcano aroſe from the level, ſur-rounded by two thouſand ſmall mouths,from whence ſmoke ſtill continues to iſſue.They arrived almoſt to the bottom of thecrater of the great volcano of Serullo,when they analized the air, and found itſtrongly impregnated with carbonic acid.—They returned to Mexico, by the valley ofToſuca, and viſited the volcano, to the high-eſt point of which they aſcended, 14,400French feet above the level of the ſea. |Spaltenumbruch| In the months of January and February,1804, they purſued their reſearches on theeaſtern deſcent of the Corderillas, they meaſ-ured the mountains Navados de la Pueble,Popacatyce, Izazihuatle, the great peak ofOrizaba, and the Cofre de Perete; uponthe top of this laſt, Mr. Humboldt obſervedthe meridian height of the ſun. In fine, af-ter ſome reſidence at Xallappa, they em-barked at Vera Cruz, for the Havanah.They reſumed the collections they had leftthere in 1801, and by the way of Philadel-phia, embarked for France, in July, 1804,after ſix years of abſence and labors. Acollection of 6000 different ſpecies of plants(of which a great part are new) and nu-merous mineralogical, aſtronomical, chem-ical and moral obſervations, have been thereſult of this expedition. Mr. Humboldt gives the higheſt praiſes to the liberal pro-tection granted to his reſearches by theSpaniſh government. Baron Humboldt was born in Pruſſia, onthe 14th of September, 1769.

* Vomiti prieto.