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Alexander von Humboldt: „Cataracts of the Orinoco“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 27.04.2024].

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Titel Cataracts of the Orinoco
Jahr 1852
Ort Edinburgh
in: The Edinburgh Christian Magazine 3 (April 1851–März 1852), S. 204.
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung; Schmuck: Trennzeichen.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: II.64
Dateiname: 1808-Ansichten_der_Natur_Wasserfaelle-14-neu
Seitenanzahl: 1
Spaltenanzahl: 1
Zeichenanzahl: 3894

Weitere Fassungen
Ansichten der Natur mit wissenschaftlichen Erläuterungen, von Alex. v. Humboldt. Erster Band. 16. Tübingen, in der J. G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung. Ueber die Wasserfälle des Orinoco bey Atures und Maypures (Stuttgart; Tübingen, 1808, Deutsch)
Der Orinoco (Brünn, 1818, Deutsch)
О водопадах рѣки Ориноко [O vodopadach rěki Orinoko] (Sankt Petersburg, 1818, Russisch)
O progach (kataraktach) rzéki Orenoko, przez Alexandra de Humboldt (Lwiw, 1819, Polnisch)
Die Knochenhöhle von Ataruipe in Amerika (Stralsund, 1828, Deutsch)
Sepulchral Cave in South America (Rochester, New York, 1834, Englisch)
Оринокскiе водопады [Orinokskie vodopady] (Sankt Petersburg, 1834, Russisch)
О теченiи рѣки Ориноко [O tečenii rěki Orinoko] (Sankt Petersburg, 1834, Russisch)
Sounds of Waters in the Night (Kendal, 1849, Englisch)
The Cataracts of Orinoco (Carlisle, 1849, Englisch)
Black Waters (Reading, 1849, Englisch)
Cataracts of the Orinoco (London, 1849, Englisch)
Cataracts of the Orinoco (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1850, Englisch)
Cataracts of the Orinoco (Edinburgh, 1852, Englisch)


“From the rock of Manima a wonder-ful prospect is enjoyed. A foaming surfaceof four miles in length presents itself atonce to the eye: iron-black masses of rockresembling ruins and battlemented towersrise frowning from the waters. Rocksand islands are adorned with the luxuriantvegetation of the tropical forest; a per-petual mist hovers over the waters, andthe summits of the lofty palms piercethrough the cloud of spray and vapour.When the rays of the glowing eveningsun are refracted in these humid exhala-tions, a magic optical effect begins. Co-loured bows shine, vanish, and reappear;and the ethereal image is swayed to andfro by the breath of the sportive breeze.During the long rainy season the stream-ing waters bring down islands of vege-table mould, and thus the naked rocks arestudded with bright flower-beds adornedwith Melastomas and Droseras, and withsmall silver-leaved mimosas and ferns.These spots recall to the recollection ofthe European those blocks of granitedecked with flowers which rise solitaryamidst the glaciers of Savoy, and arecalled by the dwellers in the Alps ‘Jar-dins,’ or ‘Courtils.’ “In the blue distance the eye rests onthe mountain chain of Cunavami, a longextended ridge which terminates abruptlyin a truncated cone. We saw the latter(Calitamini is its Indian name) glowingat sunset as if in roseate flames. Thisappearance returns daily: no one hasever been near the mountain to detectthe precise cause of this brightness, whichmay perhaps proceed from a reflectingsurface produced by the decomposition oftalc or mica slate. “When M. Bonpland and I returnedfrom the banks of the Rio Negro, weventured to pass the latter or lower halfof the Raudal of Atures with the loadedcanoe, often leaving it for the rocky dikeswhich connect one island with another.Sometimes the waters rush over thesedikes, and sometimes they fall with a hol-low thundering sound into cavities, and |Spaltenumbruch| flowing for a time through subterraneanchannels, leave large pieces of the bedof the river dry. Here the golden Piprarupicola makes its nest; it is one of themost beautiful of tropical birds, with adouble moveable crest of feathers, and isas pugnacious as the East Indian domes-tic cock. “In the Raudal of Canucari the rockydike or weir consists of piled-up granitespheres. We crept into the interior of agrotto, the damp walls of which werecovered with confervæ and shining By-sus, and where the river rushed high aboveour heads with deafening noise. “We had accidentally more time thanwe desired for the enjoyment of this grandscene of nature. The Indians had leftus in the middle of the cataract, propos-ing to take the canoe round a long nar-row island, below which we were to re-embark. We waited an hour and a-halfunder a heavy tempestuous rain; nightwas coming on, and we sought in vain forshelter between the masses of granite.The little monkeys, which we had carriedwith us for months in wicker cages, bytheir mournful cries attracted crocodiles,whose size and leaden-grey colour shewedtheir great age. I should not here no-tice an occurrence so usual in the Orinoco,if the Indians had not assured us that nocrocodiles were ever seen in the cataracts;and in dependence on this assurance wehad even ventured repeatedly to bathe inthis part of the river. Meanwhile ouranxiety lest we might be forced to passthe long tropical night in the middle ofthe Raudal, wet through and deafened bythe thundering noise of the falling waters,increased every moment; until at lastthe Indians reappeared with our canoe.From the low state of the waters, theyhad found the steps by which they hadintended to let themselves down inacces-sible, and had been forced to seek amongthe labyrinth of channels for a more prac-ticable passage.”— Humboldt’s Aspects ofNature.