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Alexander von Humboldt: „Cataracts of the Orinoco“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 19.04.2024].

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Titel Cataracts of the Orinoco
Jahr 1850
Ort Newcastle-upon-Tyne
in: Newcastle Guardian 204 (5. Januar 1850), S. 6.
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung; Schmuck: Kapitälchen.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: II.64
Dateiname: 1808-Ansichten_der_Natur_Wasserfaelle-13-neu
Seitenanzahl: 1
Zeichenanzahl: 2247

Weitere Fassungen
Ansichten der Natur mit wissenschaftlichen Erläuterungen, von Alex. v. Humboldt. Erster Band. 16. Tübingen, in der J. G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung. Ueber die Wasserfälle des Orinoco bey Atures und Maypures (Stuttgart; Tübingen, 1808, Deutsch)
Der Orinoco (Brünn, 1818, Deutsch)
О водопадах рѣки Ориноко [O vodopadach rěki Orinoko] (Sankt Petersburg, 1818, Russisch)
O progach (kataraktach) rzéki Orenoko, przez Alexandra de Humboldt (Lwiw, 1819, Polnisch)
Die Knochenhöhle von Ataruipe in Amerika (Stralsund, 1828, Deutsch)
Sepulchral Cave in South America (Rochester, New York, 1834, Englisch)
Оринокскiе водопады [Orinokskie vodopady] (Sankt Petersburg, 1834, Russisch)
О теченiи рѣки Ориноко [O tečenii rěki Orinoko] (Sankt Petersburg, 1834, Russisch)
Sounds of Waters in the Night (Kendal, 1849, Englisch)
The Cataracts of Orinoco (Carlisle, 1849, Englisch)
Black Waters (Reading, 1849, Englisch)
Cataracts of the Orinoco (London, 1849, Englisch)
Cataracts of the Orinoco (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1850, Englisch)
Cataracts of the Orinoco (Edinburgh, 1852, Englisch)

Cataracts of the Orinoco.

—A foaming surface offour miles in length presents itself at once to the eye:iron-black masses of rock resembling ruins and battle-mented towers rise frowning from the waters. Rocksand islands are adorned with the luxuriant vegetationof the tropical forest; a perpetual mist hangs over thewaters, and the summits of the lofty palms pierce throughthe cloud of spray and vapour. When the rays of theglowing evening sun are refracted in these humid exha-lations a magic optical effect begins. Coloured bowsshine, vanish, and reappear; and the ethereal image isswayed to and fro by the breath of the sportive breeze.During the long rainy season the streaming waters bringdown islands of vegetable mould, and thus the nakedrocks are studded with bright flower-beds, adorned withMelastomas and Droseras, and with small-leaved mimo-sas and ferns. These spots recall to the recollection ofthe European those blocks of granite decked with flowerswhich rise solitary amidst the glaciers of Savoy, and arecalled by the dwellers in the Alps “Jardins,” or “Cour-tills.” In the blue distance the eye rests on the moun-tain chain of Cunavami, a long extended ridge whichterminates abruptly in a truncated cone. We saw thelatter (Calitamini is its Indian name) glowing at sunsetas if in roseate flames. This appearance returns daily:no one has ever been near the mountain to detect theprecise cause of this brightness, which may perhapsproceed from a reflecting surface produced by the de-composition of talc or mica slate. During the five dayswhich we passed in the neighbourhood of the cataracts,it was striking to hear the thunder of the rushing tor-rents sound three times louder by night than by day. Inall European waterfalls the same phenomenon is re-marked. What can be its cause in a wilderness wherethere is nothing to interrupt the repose of nature? Per-haps the currents of heated ascending air, by causingirregular density in the elastic medium, impede the pro-pagation of sound during the day, by the disturbancethey may occasion in the waves of sound; whereasduring the nocturnal cooling of the earth’s surface theupward currents entirely cease.— Humboldt’s Aspects ofNature.