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Alexander von Humboldt: „From Humboldt’s Essay on New Spain“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 12.02.2025].

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Titel From Humboldt’s Essay on New Spain
Jahr 1820
Ort Washington, District of Columbia
in: Daily National Intelligencer 8:2381 (30. August 1820), [o. S.].
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: III.7
Dateiname: 1811-Fragment_d_un-5-neu
Seitenanzahl: 1
Zeichenanzahl: 1884

Weitere Fassungen
Fragment d’un ouvrage ayant pour titre: Essais politiques sur le Mexique (Paris, 1811, Französisch)
Bemerkungen über das gelbe Fieber, und dessen Zusammenhang mit der Temperatur (Leipzig, 1813, Deutsch)
Gelbes Fieber in Neu-Spanien (Stuttgart; Tübingen, 1814, Deutsch)
Yellow Fever (Boston, Massachusetts, 1820, Englisch)
From Humboldt’s Essay on New Spain (Washington, District of Columbia, 1820, Englisch)
From Humboldt’s Essay on New Spain (New York City, New York, 1820, Englisch)
Das Klima von Mexico’s Haupthafen Veracruz (Hamburg, 1826, Deutsch)

from humboldt’s essay on new spain.

“In the low countries of Mexico, as in Europe,the sudden suppression of transpiration is one ofthe principal occasional causes of gastric or bil-ious fevers, and especially of Cholera Morbus,which exhibits symptoms so frightful. The cli-mate of Acapulco, whose temperature is uniformthroughout the different seasons of the year, per-mits these sudden suppressions of transpiration,from the singular coolnes which prevails there forseveral hours before sun rising. On those coastsstrangers not acclimated, if, being slightly cloth-ed, they travel in the night, or sleep in open air.In Cumana, and other places of equinoctial cli-mate, the temperature does not diminish towardssun-rising more than one or two degrees of theCentigrade thermometer (18 to 36, of Fahren-heit). In the day time the thermometer is, there,at 82 to 84 of F. and in the night at 73 to 75. AtAcapulco I have found the temperature in theday-time at 84 to 86—during the night it is about79—but, for about three hours before sun-rising,it sinks rapidly to 60 or 64. “This change produces a very sensible im-pression on the organs. In no other part of thetropical regions have I felt so great coolness inthe latter part of the night; we seem to pass sud-denly from summer to autumn and yet the sunhas hardly risen before we complain of the heat.In a climate in which health depends chiefly onthe functions of the skin, and in which the organsare affected with the slightest changes of tempe-rature, a diminution of 18 or 20 degrees produ-ces suppressions of transpiration, extremely dan-gerous to Europeans not acclimated.” Is it not very proper to attribute many, if notmost, of our diseases in the United States, to thesame cause, viz: the sensible diminution of tem-perture in the latter part of the night, duringAugust and September?