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Alexander von Humboldt, Jean-Baptiste Biot: „On the Variations of the Terrestrial Magnetism in different Latitudes“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 26.04.2024].

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Titel On the Variations of the Terrestrial Magnetism in different Latitudes
Jahr 1805
Ort London
in: The Philosophical Magazine 22:87 (August 1805), S. 248–257; 22:88 (September 1805), 299–308, Tafel.
Beteiligte Jean-Baptiste Biot
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung, Kapitälchen; Fußnoten mit Asterisken und Kreuzen; Schmuck: Initialen; Tabellensatz; Formelsatz; Besonderes: Handschriftliches, mathematische Sonderzeichen, Zeichnung.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: II.27
Dateiname: 1804-Sur_les_variations-2
Seitenanzahl: 21
Zeichenanzahl: 54483

Weitere Fassungen
Sur les variations du magnétisme terrestre à différentes latitudes (Paris, 1804, Französisch)
On the Variations of the Terrestrial Magnetism in different Latitudes (London, 1805, Englisch)
Memoria sobre las variaciones del magnetismo terestre á diferentes latitudes (Madrid, 1805, Spanisch)
Ueber die Variationen des Magnetismus der Erde in verschiedenen Breiten (Halle, 1805, Deutsch)

On the Variations of the Terrestrial Magnetismin different Latitudes. By Messieurs Humboldt and Biot. Read by M. Biot, in the Mathematical andPhysical Class of the French National Institute 26thFrimaire, An 13*. (17th December 1804.)

An inquiry into the laws of terrestrial magnetism is nodoubt one of the most important questions that philoso-phers can propose. The observations already made on thissubject have discovered phænomena so curious, that onecannot help endeavouring to solve the difficulties they pre-sent; but notwithstanding the efforts hitherto employed, itmust be confessed that we are absolutely unacquainted withthe causes of them. It was difficult to obtain on this point any precise know-ledge at a time when the construction of the compasswas still imperfect; and so little time has elapsed sincethe discoveries of M. Coulomb have taught us to renderthem completely exact, it needs excite no astonishment thatso few facts in the observations of travellers have beenfound worthy of confidence. The expedition which M. Humboldt has terminated hasprocured for this part of philosophy a collection no lessvaluable than those with which he has enriched the otherbranches of human knowledge. Furnished with an excel-lent dipping-needle, constructed by Le Noir on the princi-ples of Borda, M. Humboldt has made more than threehundred observations on the inclination of the magnet, andon the intensity of the magnetic force in that part of Ame-rica which he traversed. By adding to these results thosewhich he had already obtained in Europe before his de-parture, we shall have for the first time a series of correctfacts on the variation of the magnetic forces in the northernpart of the globe, and in some points of its southernpart. The friendship which M. Humboldt has testified for mesince his return having given me an opportunity of commu-nicating to him some experiments on this subject, whichI made this year in the Alps, he immediately offered tounite his to mine in a memoir. But if friendship and adesire of making known new facts induced me to acceptthis offer of M. Humboldt, justice forbids me to take ad-vantage of it to his prejudice; and I must here declare, thata very small part of it belongs to me.
* From the Journal de Physique, Frimaire, An 13.
|249| To place in order the facts and consequences which maybe deduced from them, it is necessary to consider the ac-tion of terrestrial magnetism under different points of view,corresponding to the different classes of the phænomenawhich it produces. If we consider it first in general, we find that it acts onthe whole surface of the globe, and that it extends beyondit. This last fact, which was doubted, has been latelyproved by one of us, and particularly by our friend M. Gay-Lussac, during his two aërostatic voyages. And if theseobservations, made with all the care possible, have notshown the least sensible diminution in the intensity of themagnetic force, at the greatest height to which man canattain, we have a right to conclude that this force extendsto an indefinite distance from the earth, where it decreases,perhaps, in a very rapid manner, but which at present isunknown to us. If we now consider magnetism at the surface even of theearth, we shall find three grand classes of phænomena,which it is necessary to study separately, in order to have acomplete knowledge of its mode of action. These phæno-mena are; the declination of the magnetic needle, its incli-nation, and the intensity of the magnetic force, consideredeither comparatively in different places or in themselves,paying attention to the variations which they experience.It is thus that, after having discovered the action of gravityas a central force, its variation, resulting from the figure ofthe earth, was afterwards ascertained in different lati-tudes. The declination of the magnetic needle appears to bethat phænomenon which hitherto has more particularlyfixed the attention of philosophers, on account, no doubt,of the assistance which they hoped to derive from it in de-termining the longitude; but when it was known that thedeclination changes in the same place, in the course oftime, when its diurnal variations were remarked, and itsirregular traversing, occasioned by different meteors; in aword, the difficulty of observing it at sea, within one de-gree nearly, it was necessary to abandon that hope, and toconsider the cause of these phænomena as much more com-plex and abstruse than had been at first imagined. In regard to the intensity of the magnetic force in diffe-rent parts of the earth, it has never yet been measured in acomparative manner. The observations of M. Humboldt on this subject have discovered a very remarkable phæno-menon; it is the variation of the intensity in different lati- |250| tudes, and its increase proceeding from the equator to thepoles. The compass, indeed, which at the departure of M. Humboldt gave at Paris 245 oscillations in 10 minutes,gave no more in Peru than 211, and it constantly varied inthe same direction; that is to say, the number of the oscil-lations always decreased in approaching the equator, andalways increased in advancing towards the north. These differences cannot be ascribed to a diminution offorce in the magnetism of the compass, nor can we sup-pose that it is weakened by the effect of time and of heat;for, after three years’ residence in the warmest countries ofthe earth, the same compass gave again in Mexico oscilla-tions as rapid as at Paris. There is no reason, either, to doubt the justness of M. Humboldt’s observations, for he often observed the oscilla-tions in the vertical plane perpendicular to that meridian;but by decomposing the magnetic force in the latter plane,and comparing it with its total action, which is exercised inthe former, we may from these data calculate its direction,and consequently the direction of the needle*. This in-clination, thus calculated, is found always conformable tothat which M. Humboldt observed directly. When hemade his experiments, however, he could not foresee thatthey would be subjected to this proof by which M. LaPlace verified them. As the justness of these observations cannot be contested,we must allow also the truth of the result which they indi-
* Let HOC (plate V. fig. 1.) be the plane of the magnetic meridian pass-ing through the vertical OC; let OL be the direction of the needle situated inthat plane, and OH a horizontal. The angle LOH will be the inclinationof the needle, which we shall denote by I. If F represent the total mag-netic force which acts in the direction OL, the part of this force, which actsaccording to OC, will be F sine of I: but the magnetic forces which deter-mine the oscillations of the needle in any plane, are to each other as thesquares of the oscillations made in the same time. If we denote then by M,the number of the oscillations made in 10′ of time in the magnetic meridian,and by P, the number of oscillations made also in 10′, in the perpendicularplane, we shall have the following proportion. \( \frac{{{\text{F sin. I}}}}{{\text{F}}}=\frac{{{\text{P}^2}}}{{\text{M}^2}} \) from which we deduce \( \text{Sin. I}=\frac{{{\text{P}}^2}}{{\text{M}^2}} \) The inclination then may be calculated by this formula, when we haveoscillations made in the two planes.In like manner, by making a needle oscillate successively in several verticalplanes, we might determine the direction of the magnetic meridian.
|251| cate, and which is the increase of the magnetic force pro-ceeding from the equator to the poles.
To follow these results with more facility it will be properto set out from a fixed term, and it appears natural to makechoice for that purpose of the points where the inclinationof the magnetic needle is null, because they seem to indi-cate the places where the opposite action of the two terres-trial hemispheres is equal. The series of these points formson the surface of the earth a curved line which differs verysensibly from the terrestrial equator, from which it deviatesto the south in the Atlantic Ocean and to the north in theSouth Sea. This curve has been called the magnetic equa-tor , from its analogy to the terrestrial equator, though it isnot yet known whether it forms exactly a great circle of theearth. We shall examine this question hereafter; at pre-sent it will be sufficient to say, that M. Humboldt foundthis equator in Peru about 7·7963° (7° 1′) of south latitude,which places it, for that part of the earth, nearly in thespot where Wilke and Lemonnier had fixed it. The places situated to the north of that point may be di-vided into four zones; the three first of which, being nearerthe equator, are about 4·5° (4°) of breadth in latitude;while the latter, more extensive and more variable, is 16°(14°). So that the system of these zones extends in Ame-rica from the magnetic equator to 25·5556° (23°) of northlatitude, and comprehends in longitude an interval of about56° (50°). The first zone extends from 7·7963° (7° 1″) of south latitudeto 3·22° (2° 54′). The mean number of the oscillations ofthe needle in the magnetic meridian in 10′ of time is there,211·9: no observation gives less than 211, or more than214. From M. Humboldt’s observations one might forma similar zone on the south side of the magnetic equator,which would give the same results. The second zone extends from 2·4630° (2° 13′) of southlatitude to 3·61° (3° 15′) of north latitude. The mean termof the oscillations is there, 217·9: they are never below220, or above 226. The fourth zone, broader than the other two, extendsfrom 10·2778° (9° 15′) to 25·7037° (23° 8′) of north lati-tude. Its mean term is 237: it never presents any ob-servation below 229, or above 240. We are unacquainted, in regard to this part of the earth,with the intensity of the magnetic force beyond the latitudeof 26° (23°) north; and on the other hand, in Europe,where we have observations made in high latitudes, we |252| have none in the neighbourhood of the equator: but wewill not venture to compare these two classes of observa-tions, which may belong to different systems of forces, aswill be mentioned hereafter. However, the only comparison of results, collected in America by M. Humboldt, appears to us to establish withcertainty the increase of the magnetic force from the equa-tor to the poles; and, without wishing to connect themtoo closely with the experiments made in Europe, we mustremark, that the latter accord so far also with the precedingas to indicate the phænomenon. If we have thus divided the observations into zones pa-rallel to the equator, it is in order that we may more easilyshow the truth of the fact which results from them, andin particular to render the demonstration independent ofthose small anomalies which are inevitably mixed withthese results. Though these anomalies are very trifling, they are, how-ever, so sensible, and so frequently occur, that they cannotbe ascribed entirely to errors in the observations. It ap-pears more natural to ascribe them to the influence of localcircumstances, and the particular attractions exercised bycollections of ferrugineous matters, chains of mountains,or by the large masses of the continents. One of us, indeed, having this summer carried to the Alps the magnetic needle employed in one of his late aërialexcursions, he found that its tendency to return to themagnetic meridian was constantly stronger in these moun-tains than it was at Paris before his departure, and than ithas been found since his return. This needle, which madeat Paris 83·9° in 10 minutes of time, has varied in the fol-lowing manner in the different places to which it was car-ried:
Places of observation. Number of oscillations inten minutes of time.
Paris before his departure ‒ 83·9
Turin ‒ ‒ ‒ 87·2
On Mount Genêvre ‒ 88·2
Grenoble ‒ ‒ ‒ 87·4
Lyons ‒ ‒ ‒ 87·3
Geneva ‒ ‒ ‒ 86·5
Dijon ‒ ‒ ‒ 84·5
Paris, on his return ‒ 83·9
These experiments were made with the greatest care, con-jointly with excellent observers, and always employing thesame watch verified by small pendulums, and taking the |253| mean terms between several serieses of observations, whichalways differed very little from each other. It appearsthence to result that the action of the Alps has a sensibleinfluence on the intensity of the magnetic force. M. Hum-boldt observed analogous effects at the bottom of the Py-renees; for example, at Perpignan. It is not improbablethat they arose from the mass of these mountains, or theferrugineous matters contained in them; but whatever maybe the cause, it is seen by these examples that the generalaction of terrestrial magnetism is sensibly modified by localcircumstances, the differences of which may be perceivedin places very little distant from each other. This truthwill be further confirmed by the rest of this memoir. It is to causes of this kind, no doubt, that we mustascribe the diminution of the magnetic forces observed insome mountains; a diminution which, on the first view,might appear contrary to the results obtained during the lastaërial voyages. This conjecture is supported by several ob-servations of M. Humboldt. By making his needle to oscil-late on the mountain of Guadaloupe, which rises 676 metres(338 toises) above Santa-Fé, he found it in 10 minutes oftime give two oscillations less than in the plain. At Silla, nearCaracas, at the height of 2632 metres (1316 toises) abovethe coast, the diminution went so far as five oscillations;and, on the other hand, on the volcano of Antisana, at theheight of 4934 metres (2467 toises), the number of oscilla-tions in 10 minutes was 230; though at Quito it was only218: which indicates an increase of intensity. I observed,indeed, a similar effect on the summit of Mount Genêvre,at the height of 1600 or 1800 metres (8 or 900 toises), asmay be seen by the numbers which I have already given;and it was on this mountain that I found the greatest in-tensity of the magnetic force. I saw on the hill of La Su-perga, in the neighbourhood of Turin, an example of thesevariations equally striking. Observing, with Vassali, onthis hill, at the elevation of about 600 metres (300 toises),we found 87 oscillations in 10 minutes of time. On theside of the hill we had 88·8 oscillations; and at the bot-tom, on the bank of the Po, we obtained 87·3. Thoughthese results approach very near to each other, their differ-ence is, however, sensible, and fully shows that their smallvariations must be considered as slight anomalies producedby local circumstances. This examination leads us to consider the intensity ofmagnetism on the different points of the surface of theglobe, as subject to two sorts of differences. One kind are |254| general: they depend merely on the situation of the placesin regard to the magnetic equator, and belong to a generalphænomenon, which is the increase of the intensity of themagnetic forces in proportion as we remove from the equa-tor: the other kind of variations, which are much smallerand altogether irregular, seem to depend entirely on local cir-cumstances, and modify either more or less the general results. If we consider terrestrial magnetism as the effect of anattractive force inherent in all the material particles of theglobe, or only in some of these particles, which we are farfrom determining, the general law will be, the total resultof the system of attraction of all the particles, and the smallanomalies will be produced by the particular attractions ofthe partial systems of the magnetic moleculæ diffused irre-gularly around each point; attractions rendered more sen-sible by the diminution of distance. It now remains to consider the inclination of the mag-netic needle in regard to the horizontal plane. It has longbeen known that this inclination is not every where thesame: in the northern hemisphere the needle inclines to-wards the north; in the southern towards the south; the placeswhere it becomes horizontal form the magnetic equator; andthose where the inclination is equal, but not null, form oneach side of that equator curved lines, to which the name ofmagnetic parallels has been given from their analogy tothe terrestrial parallels. One may see in several works, andparticularly in that of Lemonnier, entitled Lois du Mag-netism, the figure of these parallels and their disposition onthe face of the earth. It evidently results from this disposition that the inclina-tion increases in proportion as we recede from the magnetic equator; but the law which it follows in its increase hasnot yet, as far as appears to us, been given. To ascertainthis law, however, would be of great utility; for the in-clination seems to be the most constant of all the magneticphænomena, and it exhibits much fewer anomalies than theintensity. Besides, if any rule, well confirmed, could be dis-covered on this subject, it might be employed with advan-tage at sea to determine the latitude when the weather doesnot admit an observation of the sun; which is the case invarious places during the greater part of the year. Wehave some reason to expect this application when wesee the delicacy of that indication in the observations ofM. Humboldt, where we find 0·65° (35′ 6″) of differencebetween two towns so near each other as Nismes and Mont-pellier. These motives have induced us to study with great |255| interest the series of observations made by M. Humboldt in regard to the inclination; and it appears to us that theymay be represented very exactly by a mathematical hypo-thesis; to which we are far from attaching any reality initself, but which we offer merely as a commodious and suremode of connecting the results. To discover this law, we must first exactly determine theposition of the magnetic equator, which is as an interme-diate line between the northern and the southern inclina-tions. For this purpose we have the advantage of beingable to compare two direct observations; one of Lapey-rouse, and the other of M. Humboldt. The former foundthe magnetic equator on the coasts of Brasil at 12·1666°(10° 57′) of south latitude, and 28·2407° (25° 25′) of westlongitude, counted from the meridian of Paris. The latterfound the same equator in Peru at 7·7963° (7° 1′) of southlatitude, and 89·6481° (80° 41′) of west longitude, alsoreckoned from the same meridian. These data are suffi-cient to calculate the position of the magnetic equator, sup-posing it to be a great circle of the terrestrial sphere; anhypothesis which appears to be conformable to observa-tions. The inclination of this plane to the terrestrial equator is thus found to be equal to 11·0247° (10° 58′ 56″), andits occidental node on that equator is at 133·3719° (120°2′ 5″) west from Paris, which places it a little beyond thecontinent of America, near the Gallipagos, in the SouthSea; the other node is at 66·6281° (59° 57′ 55″) to theeast of Paris, which places it in the Indian Seas*).
*) To calculate this position let NEE′ (Plate V. fig. 2.) be the terrestrialequator; NHL the magnetic equator, supposed also to be a great circle;and HL the two points of that equator, observed by Messrs. Humboldt and Lapeyrouse. The latitudes HE, LE′, and the arc EE′, which is the diffe-rence of longitude of these two points, is known: consequently, if we sup-pose HE = b, LE′ = b′, EE′ = v, EN = x, and the angle ENH = y, weshall have two spherical triangles NEH, NE′L, which will give the twofollowing equations: \( \text{Sin.}\;x=\frac{{\text{tang.}\;b\;\text{cot}\;y}}{R}\;\text{sin.}(x+v)=\frac{{\text{tang.}\;b'\;\text{cot.}\;y}}{R} \) from which we deduce \( \text{Sin.}\frac{(x+v)}{\text{sin.}\;x}=\frac{\text{tang.}\;b'}{\text{tang.}\;b} \) and developing \( \text{cot.}\;x=\frac{\text{tang.}\;b'}{\text{tang.}\;b\;\text{sin.}\;v}-\frac{\text{cos.}\;v}{\text{sin.}\;v} \) Let us now take an auxiliary angle φ, so that we may have \( \text{tang.}\;\phi=\frac{\text{tang.}\;b\;\text{sin.}\;v}{\text{tang.}\;b'} \)
|256| We do not give this determination as rigorously exact:some corrections might no doubt be made to it, had wea greater number of observations equally precise; butwe are of opinion that these corrections would be verysmall; and it will be seen hereafter that, independently ofthe confidence which the two observations we have em-ployed deserve, we have other reasons for entertainingthis opinion*. It is very remarkable that this determination of the mag-netic equator agrees almost perfectly with that given longago by Wilke and Lemonnier. The latter in particular,who for want of direct observations had discussed a greatnumber of corresponding observations, indicates the mag-netic equator in Peru towards 7°\( \frac{1}{3} \) of south latitude; andM. Humboldt found it in the same place at 7·7963° (7° 1′);besides, Lemonnier’s chart, as well as that of M. Wilke,indicates for the inclination of the magnetic meridian 12·22°(about 11°), and they place the node about 155° 56′ (140°)of west longitude, reckoned from the meridian of Paris. Can it be by chance, then, that these elements, foundmore than 40 years ago, should accord so well with oursfounded on recent observations? or does the inclination ofthe magnetic equator experience only very small variations,while all the other symptoms of terrestrial magnetismchange so rapidly? We should not be far from admittingthe latter opinion, when we consider that the inclination ofthe magnetic needle has changed at Paris 3° during 60 yearssince it has been observed; and that at London, accordingto the observations of Mr. Graham, it has not changed 2°in 200 years; while the declination has varied more than20° in the same interval, and has passed from east to west:but, on the other hand, the observation of the inclination isso difficult to be made with exactness, and it is so short atime since the art of measuring it with precision was known,
and we shall have \( \text{tang.}\;x=\frac{\text{sin.}\;v\;\text{sin.}\;\phi}{\text{sin.}\;(v-\phi)} \). By these equations we may find x, and then y, by any of the first two.* Since this memoir was read, we have collected new information whichconfirms these first results. Lapeyrouse, after having doubled Cape Horn,fell in a second time with the magnetic equator in 18′ north lat. and 119° 7′of longitude west from Paris. He was therefore very near the node of the magnetic equator, such as we have deduced it from observations. Thisfact establishes in a positive manner two important consequences: first, thatthe preceding determinations require only very slight corrections; and thesecond, that the magnetic equator is really a great circle of the earth, if notexactly at least very nearly.—Note of the Authors.
|257| that it is perhaps more prudent to abstain from any prema-ture opinion on phænomena the cause of which is totallyunknown to us.
To employ the other observations of M. Humboldt in re-gard to the inclination, I first reduced the terrestrial latitudesand longitudes reckoned from the magnetic equator. Thelatter, being reckoned from the node of that equator in theSouth Sea, I could first perceive by these calculations thatthe position of that plane determined by our preceding re-searches was pretty exact; for some of the places, such asSanta-Fé and Javita, where M. Humboldt observed incli-nations almost equal, were found nearly on the magneticparallel, though distant from each other more than 6·6666°(6°) in longitude*. When these reductions were made, I endeavoured to re-present the signs of the inclinations observed, and to leave aslittle to chance as possible. I first tried a mathematicalhypothesis conformable enough to the idea which has hi-therto been entertained in regard to terrestrial magnetism. I have supposed in the axis of the magnetic equator, andat an equal distance from the centre of the earth, two cen-tres of attractive forces, the one austral and the other boreal,in such a manner as to represent the two opposite magneticpoles of the earth: I then calculated the effect which oughtto result from the action of these centres in any point of thesurface of the earth, making their attractive force recipro-cally vary as the square of the distance; and in this mannerI obtained the direction of the result of their forces, whichought to be that also of the magnetic needle in that latitude. [To be continued.]
* This confirms what we have already said, that the magnetic equator issensibly a great circle of the earth.—Note of the Authors.

On the Variations of the Terrestrial Magnetismin different Latitudes. By Messrs. Humboldt and Biot. Read by M. Biot in the Mathematical andPhysical Class of the French National Institute 26thFrimaire, An 13. (17th December 1804.)[Concluded from p. 257.]

The calculation is as follows:—I suppose that the point B(fig. 3.) is the north magnetic pole of the earth, and thatthe point A is the south magnetic pole: I suppose also thatthere is in the point M, at the surface of the earth, a mo-lecula of the austral fluid which is attracted by B and re-pelled by A in the inverse ratio of the square of the di-stance; and I require what will be the direction of thepower resulting from these two forces acting on that mole-cula. It is evident that this direction will be that alsowhich would be assumed in the point M by the needle ofa compass freely suspended: for, in consequence of thesmallness of the needle in comparison of the radius of theearth, the lines drawn from its points to one centre, B or A,may be considered as parallel, especially if the points Aand B are near the centre of the earth; which is the casewith nature, as may be seen. I shall first suppose that the earth has a spherical figure,and that the two poles A and B are equal in force; I shallthen examine how far the latter supposition agrees with theresults observed. Let AM then = D′, BM = D, CP = x; PM = y,the angle MCP = u, CA = CB = a, and I shall make a = Kr; r being equal to the radius of the earth, and K aconstant but indeterminate quantity. Let X, Y, also be the forces which attract M in a direc-tion parallel to the axes of the co-ordinates, and β the anglewhich the resulting force makes with the axis ABC. We shall first have the following equations, in whichF is the magnetic force, at a distance equal to unity.
  • \( \text{X}=\frac{\text{F}}{\text{D}^2}\;\text{cos. M B D}-\frac{\text{F}}{\text{D}'^{2}}\text{ cos. M A D} \);
  • \( \text{D}'^2=y^2+(x+a)^2=r^2+2\;\text{axis}\;+a^2 \)
  • \( \text{Y}=\frac{\text{F}}{\text{D}^2}\;\text{sin. M B D}\;-\frac{\text{F}}{\text{D}'^2}\;\text{sin. M A D} \);
  • \( \text{D}^2=y^2+(x-a)^2=r^2-2\;\text{axis}\;+a^2 \),
|300| or by putting for the cosines their values:
  • \( \text{X}=\frac{\text{F}(x-a)}{\text{D}^3}-\frac{\text{F}(x+a)}{\text{D}'^{\text{3}}} \)
  • \( \text{Y}=\frac{\text{F}y}{\text{D}^{\text{3}}}-\frac{\text{F}y}{\text{D}'^{\text{3}}} \);
and as we have
  • \( \text{tang.}\;\beta =\frac{Y}{X} \),
we shall have also
  • \( \text{tang.}\;\beta=\frac{{\frac{y}{\text{D}^3}-\frac{y}{\text{D}'^3}}}{{\frac{x-a}{\text{D}^3}-\frac{x-a}{\text{D}'^3}}}=\frac{{y(\text{D}'^3-\text{D}^3)}}{{x(\text{D}'^3-\text{D}^3)-a\text{(D}'^3\text{+D}^3)}} \);
and putting for x, y, and a, their values, r cos. u; r sin. u;Kr;
  • \( \text{tang.}\;\beta=\frac{{\text{sin.}\;u}}{\text{cos.}\;u-\text{K}\left(\frac{\text{D}'^3+\text{D}^3}{\text{D}'^3-\text{D}^3}\right)} \);
  • \( \text{D}'^2=r^2(1+2\;\text{K cos.}\;u+\;\text{K}^2) \);
  • \( \text{D}^2=r^2(1-2\;\text{K cos.}\;u+\;\text{K}^2) \);
  • which gives the system of the two equations,
  • \( \text{tang.}\;\beta=\frac{{\text{sin.}\;u}}{{\text{cos.}\;u-\text{K}\left(\frac{\text{D}'^3+\text{D}^3}{\text{D}'^3-\text{D}^3}\right)}} \)
  • \( \text{K}\left(\frac{{\text{D}'^3+\text{D}^3}}{{\text{D}'^3-\text{D}^3}} \right )=\frac{{{(1+2\text{K cos.}}\;u+\text{K}^2)^\frac{3}{2}+{(1-2\text{K cos.}}\;u+\text{K}^2)^\frac{3}{2}}}{{(1 + 2\text{K cos.}\;u+\text{K}^2)^\frac{3}{2}-(1-2\text{K cos.}\;u+\text{K}})^\frac{3}{2}}\text{K} \).
These equations determine the direction of the magneticneedle in regard to each point M, the distance of whichfrom the magnetic equator is known; but it is seen thatthis direction depends on the quantity K, which representsthe distance of the magnetic centres from the centre of theearth: this distance being expressed in parts of the terres-trial radius, we must therefore first determine this quantityfrom observations. To do it in the manner of approximation, and thus ac-quire a first idea of the value of K, I have chosen an obser-vation made by M. Humboldt at Carichana in 7·2978° (6°34′ 5″) of north latitude counted from the terrestrial equa-tor, and 78·111° (70° 18′) west longitude reckoned from |301| the meridian of Paris; which gives 16·526° (14° 52′ 25″)of latitude counted from the magnetic equator, and 53·7390°(48° 21′ 53″) of west longitude proceeding from the nodeformed by that equator with the equator of the earth. Theinclination of the magnetic needle was observed in thatplace by M. Humboldt in the month of Messidor, year 8,and found to be equal to 33·78° of the centigrade division*.A comparison of this result, with the other observationsof M. Humboldt, shows that it may be indeed consideredas agreeing to that latitude. To make use of it I have successively given to K differentvalues in the formula: I have calculated the inclinationsresulting from that latitude; and, comparing these resultswith that which M. Humboldt really observed, the progressof the errors naturally led me to the most proper supposi-tion. The following is a table of these trials:
Values of K. Inclinations of the Needle. Errors.
K=1 7·73° 26·04°
K=0·6 18·80 14·97
K=0·5 22·04 11·73
K=0·2 29·38 4·39
K=0·1 30·64 3·13
K=0·01 31·04 2·73
K=0·001 31·07 2·7
The first value of K would place the centre of the mag-netic forces at the surface of the earth and the poles of the magnetic equator. It is seen that this supposition cannotbe admitted, because it would give an increase of inclina-tion much less rapid than that indicated by observations.The case is the same with the following results, whichplace the centres of action on the terrestrial radius atdifferent distances from the centre of the earth: but it isseen also, in general, that they approach more and more tothe truth in proportion as this distance becomes less; whichevidently shows that the two centres of action of the mag-netic forces are situated near the centre of the earth. Allthe other observations of M. Humboldt would also lead tothe same consequence. The most proper supposition would be to make K null,or so small that it would be needless to pay attention to it;which amounts to the same thing as to consider the twocentres of action placed, as we may say, in the same mo-lecula. The result, indeed, obtained in this manner is themost exact of all; it is equal to 31·0843°: this value is still
* All the measures of inclination which I have given in this memoir willbe expressed, like those of M. Humboldt, in decimal parts of a quadrant.
|302| a little less than that which M. Humboldt observed, andthe difference is equal to 2·69; but it must be consideredalso that the formula from which we derive these valuessupposes the position of the magnetic equator to be per-fectly determined; but it may not be so with the utmostexactness, according to the only two observations of Lapey-rouse and Humboldt, which we have employed. It is there-fore by studying the progress of the formula, and comparingit with the observations, that we are able to appreciate itjustly; after which we may think of remedying the smallerrors with which it may be accompanied.
To obtain the result I have here mentioned, and whichis, as it were, the limit of all those which may be obtainedby giving to K different values, it is to be remarked thatthe quantity
  • \( \text{K}\left(\frac{\text{D}'^3+\text{D}^3}{\text{D}'^3-\text{D}^3}\right) \)
  • or
  • \( \text{K}\frac{(1 + 2\;\text{K cos.}\;u+\text{K}^2)^\frac{3}{2}+(1-2\;\text{K cos.}\;u+\text{K}^2)^\frac{3}{2}}{(1+2\;\text{K cos.}\;u+\text{K}^2)^\frac{3}{2}-(1 - 2\;\text{K cos.}\;u+\text{K}^2)^\frac{3}{2}} \)
becomes \( \frac{0}{0} \) when K is null, but by applying to it themethods of known quantities it will be found that its valuein this supposition is really determinate and equal to \( \frac{1}{3\;\text{cos.}\;u} \).By substituting this in the formula we shall have
  • \( \text{tang.}\;\beta=\frac{\text{sin.}\;u}{{{\text{cos.}}\;u-\frac{1}{3\;\text{cos.}\;u}}} \)
an equation which may be reduced to this form:
  • \( \text{tang.}\;\beta=\frac{{\text{sin.}\;2u}}{{\text{cos.}\;2u+\frac{1}{3}}} \);
which will easily give the value of β: and when this valueis known we shall have the inclination I, by the followingformula:
  • \( \text{I} = 100+u-\beta \),
which will serve throughout the whole extent of the twohemispheres. From the progress I have traced out it is seen that thepreceding formula is not merely an empyric construction ofobservations; on the contrary, it is totally independent, andonly supposes the inclination of the magnetic needle to be |303| produced by a magnet, infinitely small, placed in the centreof the terrestrial surface; but by calculating from this for-mula the inclination for the different latitudes, I have foundprecisely the same numbers as M. Humboldt observed eitherin Europe or in America: and it is not his observations onlythat are represented in this manner; but those which havebeen made in Russia, and at Kola in Lapland, during thelast transit of Venus, are also comprehended under the samelaw. This is proved by the table annexed to this memoir,in which I have calculated the observations of Mallet and Pictet, with a part of those of M. Humboldt, which I tookat random, but, however, in such a manner as to include allthe rest in the intervals. It is seen that the results of the formula deviate very littlefrom the observations; but these differences may be renderedstill smaller. By examining, indeed, the progress of theerrors, it is seen that the numbers given by calculation are alittle too small in America for the low latitudes, and a littletoo great for the high latitudes; which shows that the wholemay be allowed, with some slight modifications, either bychanging, however little, the node and inclination of the magnetic equator, which two observations cannot determinewith the utmost exactness, or by displacing ever so littleour small magnet, leaving, however, its centre in the planeof the magnetic equator, and placing it in such a mannerthat it shall be a little nearer America than Europe. It isby the observations themselves, when we shall have a greaternumber, that we must be guided in these small correc-tions. In a word, it must not be expected that we can representin a rigorous manner, by a mathematical law, all the in-clinations observed; for the phænomenon of the inclination,though more regular than the other magnetic effects, is notfree from some anomalies: this may be easily seen on con-structing the curve given by the observations themselves.Thus, for example, the inclination observed at Popayan is0° 10′ greater than at St. Carlos del Rio Negro, thoughthe magnetic latitude of the latter is 0·6852° (3° 7′) greater.The case is the same with observations made at Javita andSanta-Fé. Other anomalies are discovered in the compara-tive progress of the observations and formula. This is thecase in regard to Carichana, St. Thomas de la Guyane, andCarthagena. The increase of the inclination from the firstto the second of these points is by no means in harmonywith the increase from the second to the third; and if we |304| compare together the intensities observed in these dif-ferent places, the anomalies they exhibit announce insome measure those which the inclination ought to ex-perience. The cause of these anomalies becomes evident from whathas been already remarked; they are merely the effect oflocal circumstances, and arise from the small systems ofattraction by which the general phænomena are modified.This must be sensible in particular for that part of America which M. Humboldt travelled over, and which is traversedthroughout its whole length by the grand chain of the cor-dillera of the Andes. It is also in these places that themost considerable differences exist. Popayan, for example,is situated near the volcanoes of Sotara and Pourace; it isjoined to basaltic mountains abounding with magnetic iron.Near Sulumito, to the east of Popayan, these basaltic co-lumns have very striking poles: in like manner Mexico issituated at the height of 1160 toises on the ridge of thegrand cordillera of Lenschtitlan: the ground there is co-vered with porous basaltes and amygdaloids, which arealmost all charged with magnetic iron. Must not all thesecauses have a sensible influence on the inclination of themagnetic needle; and must not the different dispositions ofthe ferruginous masses, or their change of state, in conse-quence of the action of nature, produce also variations?M. Humboldt made on this point a decisive observation:the earthquake of the 4th of November 1799 changed atCumana the inclination of the needle. On the 1st of No-vember it was 43° 65′; on the 7th it was only 42° 75′; andten months after it returned to 42° 85′: but it did not re-gain its former value; the intensity of the magnetic forcewas not changed by the effect of this earthquake. It is proved, then, by these observations, that local cir-cumstances may have on the inclination a sensible influ-ence; and this influence is remarked in the countries tra-versed by M. Humboldt *. It appears, therefore, that the mathematical hypothesiswhich we have employed really expresses the law of natureat least to the north of the magnetic equator; for, though thefirst results observed towards the south seem to bend to it also,the uncertainty under which we are in regard to the truecause of these phænomena must stop our conjectures, and
* We can observe that the anomalies are sensible in particular in theislands.—Note by the Authors of the Memoir.
|305| prevent us from extending too far the consequences of thelaws which we observe*.
From the preceding results, we may calculate the pointswhere the axis of the magnetic equator pierces the terres-trial surface; for their latitudes are equal to the comple-ments of the obliquity of that equator, and their meridian isat 100° of longitude from its nodes. The north magneticpole is found also at 97·7975° (79° 1′ 4″) of north latitude,and at 33·3719° (30° 2′ 5″) of longitude west from Paris,which places it to the north of America. The other mag-netic pole, symmetric to the preceding, is situated in thesame latitude south, and at 66·6281° (149° 67′ 55″) of lon-gitude east from Paris, which places it amidst the eternalice: indications entirely analogous to those of Wilke and Lemonnier. If we could reach these poles, the compass would be seenvertical; but if any confidence can be placed in the lawwhich we have discovered, this would be the only differencewhich would be observed in regard to the inclination, andwe should be still as far distant as in Europe from the realcentres which produce it. This result might appear to beof such a nature as to diminish the interest one might havein visiting these horrid regions, had we not also the hope ofdiscovering there new phænomena in regard to the inten-sity of the magnetic force, and the influence of meteors. These consequences do not entirely accord with theopinion pretty generally received, and which ascribes theincrease of the magnetic effects towards the north to thegreat quantity of iron dispersed throughout these regions;but it appears to us that this opinion is not agreeable to thetruth. The cordillera of the Andes contains an enormousquantity of magnetic iron: the native iron of Chaco, thatproblematic mass analogous to that of Pallas, and those ofXacateras in Mexico, is found even under the tropics.
* Since this memoir was read, we can advance something more positive.Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn, and New Hol-land, by different navigators, are very exactly represented by our formula;and it follows, that it extends also to the austral hemisphere. We hopesoon to have numerous and very exact observations on the inclination ofthe needle in that part of the earth. But we have thought it our duty toadd to our table such results as relate to it, and which we have been ableto procure. We have inserted also two observations on the intensity, madewith great care by M. Rossel, during the expedition of d’Entrecasteaux, whichare very important, as they prove that the terrestrial magnetic force in-creases also in the austral hemisphere in proportion as one removes from the equator.—Note by the Authors of the Memoir. We may now add to the preceding considerations this decisive fact, thatthe intensity also increases when one approaches the south pole.—Note bythe Authors of the Memoir.
|306| On seeing the inclinations of the compass so exactly re-presented in our hypothesis, we endeavoured to discoverwhether it could he applied also to the intensities observedby M. Humboldt; but we found that it did not apply. Itgives, indeed, an increase of the magnetic forces fromthe equator to the pole; but this increase, which at firstis too slow, becomes afterwards too rapid: I have not yetbeen able to try whether the small displacement of the ter-restrial magnet will contribute towards representing thembetter: but it must be remarked, that the series of the in-tensities is extremely whimsical, and contains an infinitenumber of anomalies; so that local phænomena may haveon this phænomenon a much more sensible influence thanon the inclination. On reviewing the results which we have given in thismemoir, it is seen that we have first determined the posi-tion of the magnetic equator by direct observations, whichhad never been done before; we have then proved that themagnetic force increases in proceeding from that equator tothe poles: in the last place, we have given a mathematicalhypothesis, which when reduced to a formula satisfies all theinclinations hitherto observed. Supposing, as we have done in this formula, the smallcorrections of which it is susceptible, its utility becomesevident, either for making known, in the course of time, thevariations which may take place in the action of the terres-trial magnetism, or to ascertain or even foresee the value ofthe inclination, which in a great many cases is of great im-portance. For example, near the magnetic equator, the increase ordiminution of the inclination will indicate to a vessel on avoyage whether she has gained or lost in latitude by cur-rents. This knowledge of the latitude is sometimes as im-portant as that of longitude. On the coasts of Peru, forexample, the currents tend from Chiloé to the north andnorth-east with such force, that one may go from Lima toGuayaquil in three or four days, and two, three, and some-times five months are necessary to return. It is conse-quently of the greatest importance for vessels coming fromChili which stretch along the coast of Peru, to know theirlatitude. If they go beyond the port to which they arebound they must work to the southward, and every day’sprogress requires often a month of return. Unfortunately,the fogs which prevail during four or five months on thecoasts of Peru prevent navigators from distinguishing theform of the coast: nothing is seen but the summits of the |307| Andes, and that of the peaks which rise above that stratumof vapours; but the figure of it is so uniform that pilotsfall into mistakes. They often remain twelve or fifteen dayswithout seeing the sun or the stars, and during that intervalthey come to anchor, being afraid of overshooting their port:but if we suppose that the inclination of the magneticneedle in the ports to the south of Lima is known, forexample at Chancay, Huaura, and Santa, the dipping needlewill show whether it be, in regard to Lima, to the south orthe north. It will show at the same time opposite whatpoint of the coast a vessel is; and this indication will beattended with more exactness than one could hope for, be-cause in these seas the inclination varies with extraordinaryrapidity. M. Humboldt, to whom we are indebted forthese remarks, observed in these seas the following values:
Places. South Latitudes. Inclinations.
Huancey 10° 4′ 6,80°
Huaura 11 3 9,00
Chancay 11 33 10,35
These observations prove that the error of three or fourdegrees in the inclination in these seas would produce but adegree of error in latitude; and, on account of the tranquil-lity of the Pacific Ocean, the inclination may be observedto within a degree nearly. Frequent instances of such re-sults may be seen in books of voyages. In like manner, ifone knew exactly the inclination at the mouth of the Rio dela Plata, it would be very useful to navigators, who, whenthe Pamperos blow, remain fifteen or eighteen days withoutseeing the heavenly bodies, and go on different tacks forfear of losing the parallel of the mouth of that river. In a word, the inclination may indicate also the longi-tude in these seas: and this method may be employed whenothers fail. A vessel which sails there in the direction ofa parallel could not find its longitude either by a chrono-meter or the declination of Halley, unless a star could beseen in order to take an horary angle or the magnetic azi-muth. The dipping needle, then, throws light on the lon-gitude amidst the thickest fogs. We point out this methodas one of those which have only a local application; buthitherto little attention has been paid to it. These ideasmay be extended and rectified by able navigators. In general, if the inclination of the needle, and the lawwe have tried to establish, could be depended on, to observethe inclination and the terrestrial latitude would be suffi-cient to determine also the longitude: but we have not yetexamined the extent of the errors of which this method may |308| be susceptible, and consequently we confine ourselves to amere indication of it. The phænomenon of the inclination has in maritime ob-servations a particular and very remarkable advantage,namely, that of not being subject to those great progressivevariations which affect the declination. Without repeatingwhat we have already said above on the supposed constancyof this phænomenon, it may be remarked that our formulaeven affords a new proof that it may comprehend in thesame law the observations made thirty-six years ago inLapland, those which Lacaille brought back in 1751 fromthe Cape of Good Hope, and those which M. Humboldt has lately made in America. In short, when we tried to represent the inclinations indifferent latitudes by the supposition of a magnet infinitelysmall, very near the centre of the earth and perpendicularto the magnetic equator, we did not pretend to considerthat hypothesis as any thing real, but only as a mathema-tical abstraction useful to connect the results, and proper toascertain in future whether any changes exist. In regardto the declination and intensity, we freely confess that weare entirely unacquainted with their laws or their causes;and if any philosopher is so fortunate as to bring them toone principle, which explains at the same time the varia-tions of the inclination, it will no doubt be one of thegreatest discoveries ever made. But this research, exceed-ingly difficult, requires perhaps before it be attempted moreobservations, and in particular more precise observationsthan have hitherto been collected. For this reason wethought we might present to the class the preceding re-searches, imperfect as they are, begging it to receive themwith indulgence. Should we be so happy as to find thatour results appear of any utility, we propose to unite all theexact observations which have been made on this subject,in order to give the utmost degree of precision to the lawwe have discovered. |To face Page 308| [To face Page 308.
Names of theObservers. Places ofObservation. Latitudes reck-oned from the TerrestrialEquator. Longitudesreckoned fromthe Meridianof Paris. Latitudes reck-oned from the MagneticEquator. East Longitudesreckoned fromthe Node of the Magnetic Equa-tor in the SouthSea. Numberof Oscilla-tions in 10′of Time. Inclinationsgiven by Theory Inclinationsgiven by directObservation. Differences inDegrees of theCentesimalDivision.
Old Division. Old Division. Old Division. Old Division. Centig. Division. Centig. Division.
Humboldt Magnetic equator in Peru ‒ ‒ ‒ 7° 1′ 0″ S 80° 41′ 0″ W 0° 0′ 0″ 40° 17′ 56″ 211 0,000 0,00 0,00°
Lapeyrouse Magnetic equator at sea betweenBrazil and the Island of Ascen-sion ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 10 57 0 25 25 0 0 0 0 95 33 56 ‒ ‒ ‒ 0,000 0,00 0,00
Humboldt Tompenda ‒ ‒ 5 31 4 80 27 0 1 30 54 39 52 51 213 3,3642 3,55 0,1858
The same ‒ Loxa ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 4 0 0 81 12 0 2 54 27 38 55 0 212 6,440 6,00 + 0,44
The same ‒ Cuença ‒ ‒ ‒ 2 54 9 80 43 0 4 3 44 39 13 52 214 8,97 9,35 — 0,38
The same ‒ Quito ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 3 13 17 80 15 0 6 46 59 39 17 52 218 14,87 14,85 + 0,02
The same ‒ St. Antonio ‒ ‒ 0 0 0 80 12 0 7 0 53 39 18 52 220 15,29 16,02 — 0,73
The same ‒ Popayan ‒ ‒ ‒ 2 24 33 N 78 45 0 9 36 16 40 24 27 223 ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 23,20 ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒
The same ‒ St. Carlos del RioNegro ‒ ‒ ‒ 1 52 4 70 10 0 10 13 14 49 6 35 216 22,0278 23,10 — 1,0722
The same ‒ Javita ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 2 49 0 70 30 0 11 7 40 48 39 6 218 23,87 27,00 — 3,13
The same ‒ Esmeralda ‒ ‒ 3 13 26 68 38 0 11 45 45 50 29 15 217 ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 28,85 ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒
The same ‒ Santa Fe di Bagota 4 36 5 76 37 0 12 5 13 42 17 13 226 25,76 26,97 — 1,21
The same ‒ Carichana ‒ ‒ 6 34 5 70 18 0 14 52 25 48 21 53 227 31,08 33,77 — 2,69
The same ‒ St. Thomas ofGuyana ‒ ‒ 8 8 24 66 26 0 16 54 18 52 7 26 222 34,77 39,00 — 4,23
The same ‒ Carthagena ‒ ‒ 10 25 57 78 2 0 17 38 43 39 55 13 240 36,07 39,17 — 3,10
The same ‒ Mexico ‒ ‒ ‒ 19 26 2 101 22 0 22 35 14 14 36 41 242 44,87 46,85 — 1,98
De Rossel in1791 Humboldt in1799 St. Croix in Tene-riffe ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 28 28 30 18 37 0 39 12 40 72 0 26 238 64,9975 69,85 — 4,35
The same ‒ Atlantic Ocean 38 52 0 16 20 0 49 28 22 106 30 10 242 74,29 75,76 — 1,47
The same ‒ Paris ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 48 50 15 0 0 0 57 57 0 128 22 47 245 80,69 77,62 + 3,07
Euler junior Petersburgh in1755 ‒ ‒ ‒ 59 56 23 27 58 0 E 64 41 0 173 30 25 ‒ ‒ ‒ 85,21 81,67 + 3,54
Mallet ‒ ‒ Kola, in Lapland,in 1769 ‒ ‒ 68 52 30 30 40 30 E 71 44 36 179 9 29 ‒ ‒ ‒ 89,59 86,39 + 3,20
Lord Mul-grave In an island nearSpitzbergen in1773 ‒ ‒ ‒ 79 50 00 7 38 00 E 83 9 50 127 40 5 ‒ ‒ ‒ 96,1882 91,1111 + 5,0771
Names of theObservers. Places ofObservation. Latitudes reck-oned from the TerrestrialEquator. Longitudesreckoned fromthe Meridianof Paris. South Latitudesreckoned fromthe MagneticEquator. East Longitudesreckoned fromthe Node of the Magnetic Equa-tor in the SouthSea. Inclinationsgiven by Theory Inclinationsgiven by directObservation. Differences inDegrees of theCentesimalDivision. Number ofOscillationsin 10′ ofTime.
Old Division. Old Division. Old Division. Old Division. Centig. Division. Centig. Division.
Humboldt Lima ‒ ‒ ‒ 12° 2′ 31″ S 79° 33′ 0″ W 4° 48′ 36″ S 41° 42′ 51″ 10,6145 11,10 0,4855° 219
Derossel, ex-pedition of Entrecasteaux Sourabaya in theIsle of Java ‒ 7 14 23 110 21 28 E 15 37 22 228 56 50 32,4660 28,5185 + 3,9475 204
Bayli in 1775 Cape of Good Hope 33 55 30 16 10 0 E 26 15 34 131 38 53 49,58 47,78 + 1,8 ‒ ‒ ‒
Lapeyrouse Bay of Talcaguara 36 42 0 75 53 0 W 28 42 14 49 0 5 52,8889 55,555 — 2,6667 ‒ ‒ ‒
The same ‒ In sight of the Isleof Patagonians 52 21 26 69 38 0 W 44 30 3 57 13 52 70,04 68,89 + 1,15 ‒ ‒ ‒
Derossel, ex-pedition of Entrecasteaux New Holland ‒ 43 34 30 144 36 33 W 54 12 43 263 21 18 78,7037 77,9667 — 0,737 265
The results comprehended in this table extend from 38° 55′ to 263° 21′ 18″ east longitude, reckoned from the node of the magnetic equator in the South Sea:consequently, they comprehend more than 224°, and their agreement shows that in this extent the magnetic equator is sensibly a great circle of the earth. We havenot yet calculated the observations for the 36 degrees of longitude which would complete the contour of that equator.—For the southern hemisphere we have giventhe observations, made with great care, by M. Derossel, during the expedition of d’Entrecasteaux. It results from them that the intensity of the terrestrial magnetismincreases also in that hemisphere, when one removes from the magnetic equator. The inclination observed by M. Derossel at Teneriffe being exactly the same as thatobserved by M. Humboldt eight years after, this agreement has allowed us to render comparable the results obtained by these philosophers in regard to the intensity:for this purpose we have multiplied the results of M. Derossel, by giving the numbers which he and M. Humboldt observed at Teneriffe. The result of this calcula-tion will be found in the column of oscillations. It is there again seen that this phænomenon is very much modified by local circumstances, and incomparably morethan the inclination. The increase of the intensity deduced from the observations of M. Humboldt is less than that which would result from our hypothesis; andthat given by the observations of M. Derossel is too great: which proves that nothing can be determined in regard to the law of this increase. The influence oflocal circumstances on the inclination is particularly sensible in the isles. The declination and intensity of the magnetic forces experience there also sensible anoma-lies. This fact is indicated by several observations, and in particular by those which M. Derossel made at Sourabaya in the Island of Java. In a word, by comparingthe results of our formula with the observations of different navigators, the latter must be examined with critical accuracy, and must not be admitted but whenthey agree with each other and with those of other navigators: without this precaution we should every moment fall into great errors, occasioned by the inco-herency of the results: besides, we present the preceding only as a first approximation.
