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Alexander von Humboldt: „The Isthmus of Darien“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <https://humboldt.unibe.ch/text/1853-Junction_of_the-02-neu> [abgerufen am 26.01.2025].
Permalink: https://humboldt.unibe.ch/text/1853-Junction_of_the-02-neu |
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Titel | The Isthmus of Darien | ||||
Jahr | 1853 | ||||
Ort | London | ||||
Nachweis in: Shipping & Mercantile Gazette 4819 (11. August 1853), [o. S.].
Sprache | Englisch | ||||
Typografischer Befund | Antiqua; Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung. | ||||
Identifikation |
“P.S. I am not surprised at the difference between the level you found at Turbaco and my own statement. To this, however, I had prudently added, ‘doubtful barome- trical observations.’ (See my Recueil d’Observations Astrono- miques et de Mesures Barométriques, vol. i., p. 299). The fact that the gas issuing from the little volcanoes at Turbaco is in- flammable in its natural state has already been communicated by Colonel Acosta (Journal, p. 65). It appears that the gaseous fluid which issues fromm the ‘salses’ is not the same at all times. I find in my journal that, in 1801, the flame of any burning substance was suddenly extinguished on being thrown into a bottle containing air from those little volcanoes. “Parrot, also, in the mud volcanoes in the island of Taman, found only azota, although the gas emitted would burn at other times. (See my Relation Historique, vol. xii., chap. 29, p. 367-371).”