May 9, 1859. Compliment from Humboldt to Lieut, Maury. The National Intelligencer has been favored with the subjoined translation of a letter recently addressed by Baron Humboldt to Lieut. Maury of the National Observatory: Berlin, April 11, 1859. It is with the most lively acknowledgment that I offer to my illustrious friend and associate, the Superintendent of the United States Observatory and Hydrographical Office at Washington, the tribute of my respectful admiration. The maritime conference at Brussels, and the happy influence which your visit to Europe has fortunately exercised, especially where your presence has been enjoyed, have contributed to spread your views concerning the means of shortening the duration of voyages through seas traversed by currents. You are now enjoying the fruits of immense labors. It belongs to me more than to any other traveler of the age, to congratulate my illustrious friend upon the career which he has so gloriously opened. Scarcely in a state of convalescence, I must limit myself at present to offering you the tribute of acknowledgment due you for so many years. Your very humble and very obedient servant, ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, At the age of 90 years. The usual excuses for the incorrectness of my horrible writing.