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Alexander von Humboldt: „Humboldt and Fremont“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 24.04.2024].

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Titel Humboldt and Fremont
Jahr 1856
Ort Albany, New York
in: Albany Evening Journal 27:8003 (15. Juli 1856), [o. S.].
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung, Kapitälchen.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: VII.14
Dateiname: 1851-Colonel_Fremont-07-neu
Seitenanzahl: 1
Zeichenanzahl: 4480

Weitere Fassungen
Colonel Fremont (Washington, District of Columbia, 1851, Englisch)
Colonel Fremont (Washington, District of Columbia, 1851, Englisch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Augsburg, 1851, Deutsch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Wien, 1851, Deutsch)
Humboldt and Fremont (New York City, New York, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (New York City, New York, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Albany, New York, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Chicago, Illinois, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Burlington, Iowa, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Madison, Wisconsin, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Belvidere, Illinois, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (St. Clairsville, Ohio, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Janesville, Wisconsin, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Kilbourn City, Wisconsin, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Washington, District of Columbia, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Boston, Massachusetts, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Wilmington, Ohio, 1856, Englisch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Leipzig, 1856, Deutsch)
Ein Brief Humboldts (Wien, 1856, Deutsch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Augsburg, 1856, Deutsch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Berlin, 1856, Deutsch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Köln, 1856, Deutsch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Zürich, 1856, Deutsch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Stuttgart, 1856, Deutsch)
Colonel Fremont and Baron Humboldt (London, 1856, Englisch)
Colonel Fremont and Baron Humboldt (London, 1856, Englisch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Neustadt an der Haardt, 1856, Deutsch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Kusel, 1856, Deutsch)
Colonel Fremont and Baron Humboldt (Glasgow, 1856, Englisch)
Ein Brief Humboldt’s (Regensburg, 1856, Deutsch)
Baron Humboldt and Colonel Fremont (London, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Colonel Fremont (Leeds, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt und Fremont (Berlin, 1856, Deutsch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Maidstone, 1856, Englisch)
Colonel Fremont (Glasgow, 1856, Englisch)
Baron Humboldt and Colonel Fremont (Barnstaple, 1856, Englisch)
[Colonel Fremont] (Carlisle, 1856, Englisch)
Humboldt and Fremont (Marysville, California, 1856, Englisch)
Colonel Fremont (Newry, 1856, Englisch)
Humbold y Fremont (Madrid, 1856, Spanisch)
Col. Fremont and Baron Humboldt (St. Johnsbury, Vermont, 1856, Englisch)
[Colonel Fremont] (New York City, New York, 1856, Englisch; Französisch)
Letter from Baron Humboldt (Providence, Rhode Island, 1856, Englisch)
Letter from Baron Humboldt (Boston, Massachusetts, 1856, Englisch)

Humboldt and Fremont. From the Now York Courier and Enquirer.

To honor him as a pioneer of American Dis-covery, the King of Prussia presented to Col. John C. Fremont “The Great Golden Medal ofProgress in the Sciences.” The medal is of finegold, massive, more than double the size of theAmerican double eagle, and of exquisite work-manship. On the face is the medallion head ofthe King, Frederick William the Fourth, surrounded by figures emblematical of Religion,Jurisprudence, Mediciue and the Arts. On thereverse, Apollo in the chariot of the sun, drawnby four high-mettled, plunging horses, travers-ing the zodiac, and darting rays of light fromhis head. This beautiful tribute to the merit ofCol. Fremont came to him accompanied with acomplimentary letter from Baron Humboldt, ofwhich the following is a translation:

To Col. Fremont, Senator:

“It is very agreeable to me, Sir, to addressyou these lines by my excellent friend, our Min-ister to the United States, M. de Gerolt. Afterhaving given you, in the new edition of my‘Aspects of Nature,’ the public testimony of theadmiration which is due to your gigantic laboisbetween St. Louis, of Missouri, and the coasts ofthe South Sea, I feel happy to offer you, in thisliving token, (dans ce petit signc de vic,) thehomage of my warn acknowledgment. You havedisplayed a noble courage in distant expeditions,braved all the dangers of cold and famine,enriched all the branches of the natural sciences,illustrated a vast country which was almost en-tirely unknown to us. “A merit so rare has been scknowledged by asovereign warmly interested in the progress ofphysical geography; the King orders me to offeryou the grand golden medal destined to thosewho have labored at scientific progress. I hopethat this mark of the Royal good will, will beagreeable to you at a time when, upon the pro-position of the illustrions geographer, CharlesRitter, the Geographical Society at Berlin, hasnamed you an honorary member. For myself, Imust thank you particularly also for the honorwhich you have done in attaching my name andthat of my fellow-laborer and intimate friend,Mr. Bonpland, to countries neighboring to thosewhich have been the object of our labors. Cal-ifornia, which has so nobly resisted the introductionof Slavery, will be worthily represented by a friendof liberty, and of the progress of intelligence. “Accept, I pray you, sir, the expression of myhigh and affectionate consideration. “Your most humble, and most obedient servant,


On the envelope thus addressed:— “To Colonel Fremont, Senator,“With the great Golden Medal,“For progiess in the sciences,Baron Humboldt.” The following is the public testimony of theBaron’s admiration of the gigantic labors of Fre-mont, referred to in the letter, as contained inthe new or third edition of his “Aspects of Na-ture,” and which, as a reference, becomes a nat-ural appendant to the letter:— “Fremont’s map and geographical investiga-tions comprehend the extensive region from thejunction of the Kausas river with the Missouri,to the falls of the Columbia, and to the missionsof Santa Barbara and Puebla de los Angelos, inNew California; or a space of 28 degrees of lon-gitude, and from the 34th to the 45th parallel oflatitude Four hundred points have been de-termined hyposometrically by barometric obser-vation, and, for the most part, geographically byastronomical observations; so that a districtwhich, with the windings of the route, amountsto 3,600 geographical miles, from the mouth ofthe Kansas to Fort Van Couver and the shoresof the Pacific, (almost 720 miles more than thedistance from Madrid to Tobolsk,) has been re-presented in profile, showing the relative heightsabove the level of the sea. “As I was, I believe, the first person who un-dertook to represent, in geognostic profile, theform of entire countries—such as the Iberianpeuinsula, the high lands of Mexico, and theCordilleras of South America, (the semi-perspec-tive projections of a Siberian traveller, the AbbeChappe, were founded on mere and generallyill judged estimations of the fall of rivers)—ithas given me peculiar pleasure to see the geo-graphical method of representing the form of theearth in a vertical direction, or the elevations ofthe solid portion of our planet above its waterycovering, applied on so grand a scale as hasbeen done in Fremont’s map.”