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Alexander von Humboldt: „The Nocturnal Life of Animals in the Primeval Forest“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 20.04.2024].

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Titel The Nocturnal Life of Animals in the Primeval Forest
Jahr 1849
Ort London
in: The Morning Post 23681 (31. Oktober 1849), S. 3.
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: VI.118
Dateiname: 1849-Das_naechtliche_Leben-02-neu
Seitenanzahl: 1
Zeichenanzahl: 3048

Weitere Fassungen
Das nächtliche Leben im Urwald (Stuttgart; Tübingen, 1849, Deutsch)
The Nocturnal Life of Animals in the Primeval Forest (London, 1849, Englisch)
The nocturnal life of animals in the primeval forest (London, 1849, Englisch)
Nocturnal Life of Animals in the Primeval Forest (London, 1849, Englisch)
The forest at midnight (Banbury, 1849, Englisch)
Life of animals in the primeval forest (Belfast, 1849, Englisch)
Das nächtliche Thierleben im Urwalde (Leipzig, 1849, Deutsch)
A Burning Day on the Orinoco (London, 1850, Englisch)
A Burning Day on the Orinoco (Nottingham, 1850, Englisch)
Nocturnal Life of Animals. – A Night on the Apure (London, 1850, Englisch)
Nocturnal life of animals. – A night on the Apure (London, 1850, Englisch)
Nocturnal Life of Animals. – A Night on the Apure (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1850, Englisch)
Nocturnal Life of Animals. – A night on the Apure (Devizes, 1850, Englisch)
Nocturnal Life of Animals – A Night on the Apure (Manchester, 1850, Englisch)
Nocturnal life of animals in the primeval forest (Pietermaritzburg, 1850, Englisch)
The Forest at Midnight (Worcester, 1850, Englisch)
Nocturnal life of animals in the primeval forest (London, 1851, Englisch)
Der Waldsaum am Orinoco (Leipzig, 1851, Deutsch)
Das nächtliche Thierleben im Urwalde (Baltimore, Maryland, 1853, Deutsch)
Syd-Amerikas skogar (Borgå, 1854, Schwedisch)
A night on the banks of a south american river (Glasgow, 1856, Englisch)
[Das nächtliche Leben im Urwald] (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1858, Englisch)
Vida nocturna dos animaes nas florestas do Novo Mundo (São Luís, 1859, Portugiesisch)

The Nocturnal Life of Animals in thePrimæval Forest.

—Below the mission of Sta. Barbarade Arichuna we passed the night as usual, under the opensky, on a sandy flat on the bank of the Rio Apure, closelybordered by the impenetrable forest. It was not withoutdifficulty that we succeeded in finding dry wood to kindlethe fire with which it is always customary in that countryto surround a bivouac, in order to guard against the attacksof the jaguar. The night was humid, mild, and moon-light. Several crocodiles (alligators) approached the shore.I think I have observed these animals to be attracted byfire, like our crayfish, and many other inhabitants of thewater. The oars of our boat were placed upright, andcarefully driven into the ground, to form poles, fromwhich our hammocks could be suspended. Deep stillnessprevailed; only from time to time we heard the blowingof the fresh-water dolphins, which are peculiar to theOrinoco network of rivers (and according to Colebrooke, tothe Ganges as far as Benares), which followed each other inlong lines. Soon after eleven o’clock, such a disturbancebegan to be heard in the adjoining forest, that for the re-mainder of the night all sleep was impossible. The wildcries of the animals appeared to rage throughout the forest.Among the many voices that resounded together, the Indianscould only recognise those which, after short pauses in thegeneral uproar, were first heard singly. There was the mo-notonous howling of the aluates (the howling monkeys); theplaintive, soft, and almost flute-like tones of the small sapa-jous; the snorting grumblings of the striped nocturnalmonkey; the interrupted cries of the great tiger, the cuguaror maneless American lion, the peccary, the sloth, anda host of parrots, of parraquas, and other pheasant-likebirds. When the tigers came near the edge of the forest,our dog, which had barked incessantly, came howling toseek refuge under our hammocks. Sometimes the cry ofthe tiger was heard to proceed from amidst the highbranches of a tree, and was in such cases always accom-panied by the plaintive piping of the monkeys, who wereseeking to escape from the unwonted pursuit. If one asksthe Indien why this incessant noise and disturbancearises on particular nights, they answer with a smilethat the animals are rejoicing in the bright moon-light, and keeping the feast of the full moon. Tome it appeared that the scene had probably originatedin some accidental combat, and that hence the dis-turbance had spread to other animals, and thusthe noise had increased more and more. The jaguarpursues the peccaries and tapirs, and these, pressing againsteach other in their flight, break through the interwoventree-like shrubs which impede their escape; the apes on thetops of the trees, being frightened by the crash, join theircries to those of the larger animals; this arouses the tribesof birds who build their nests in communities, and thusthe whole animal world becomes in a state of commotion.Humboldt.