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Alexander von Humboldt: „[On the difference of level between the Black Sea and the Caspian]“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 18.04.2024].

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Titel [On the difference of level between the Black Sea and the Caspian]
Jahr 1838
Ort Paris
in: The London and Paris Observer 669 (25. Februar 1838), S. 124–125.
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Spaltensatz.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: V.76
Dateiname: 1838-On_the_difference-3-neu
Seitenanzahl: 2
Spaltenanzahl: 2
Zeichenanzahl: 1626

Weitere Fassungen
On the difference of level between the Black Sea and the Caspian (London, 1838, Englisch)
Extracts from a letter from Baron Alex. von Humboldt (London, 1838, Englisch)
[On the difference of level between the Black Sea and the Caspian] (Paris, 1838, Englisch)
Lettre de M. de Humboldt à la société de géographie de Londres, sur la différence du niveau entre la Mer Noire et la Mer Caspienne (Paris, 1838, Französisch)
[On the difference of level between the Black Sea and the Caspian] (Prag, 1839, Deutsch)
|124| |Spaltenumbruch| 2. Extract from a letter fromBaron Humboldt, dated Berlin, January 10, 1838. “I must be permitted to offer my sincere congra-tulations to the Geographical Society, at havingfound so excellent a traveller in Mr. Schomburgk,uniting so much courage with so much devotedness.His latest labours in Guayana, the ascent of the riversBerbice and Corentyn, place him very high in my esti-mation; and the zone of hieroglyphic figures, sculp-tured in the rock, from Encamarada, in 66 deg. 50min. West, to the Eastern houndary of BritishGuayana, a distance of nearly 600 geographical miles, |125| |Spaltenumbruch| is an ethnographical fact, which daily increases ininterest. I am much pleased to see the notice takenin your journal of the work of my friend and com-panion, M. Gustave Rose. Should I yet publish thedetail of my own astronomical observations in Sibe-ria, it will only be in order to fix more accuratelythe points where I have made observations for ter-restrial magnetism. I bespeak the same indulgencefor these labours in Asia, that has formerly beenshown to my travels in America. The admirabletrigonometric levelling between the Black Sea andthe Caspian is at length finished. There is depres-sion, but a much less depression than M. Parrot an-nounced after his first barometric levelling by sta-tions. This always appeared to me probable on ac-count of the elevation of Kasan, and on account ofsome corresponding observations that I obtainedduring my journey to the Caspian. The levelling ofM.M. G. Fuss, Sabler, and Savitch, shows that thelevel of the Caspian is about 105 feet lower than thatof the Black Sea.—