5. Heights of Table Lands. Toises above the sea. The table land of Iran in Persia, 650 Table land in which Moscow is situated, 67 The plain of Lombardy, 80 Table land of Swabia, 150 ------ Auvergne, 174 ------ Schweitz, 220 ------ Bavaria, 260 ------ Spain, 350 These table lands are not longitudinal valleys between ranges of mountains. The bottom of a longitudinal valley, which is from 1500 to 2000 toises above the sea, as is the case in the Andes, is caused by the elevation of a whole mountain chain. True table lands, such as those of Spain and Bavaria, were probably formed by the upraising of a whole continental mass. Both epochas are geognostically considered different.--Humboldt. 6. Lake Aral. --The surface of the lake Aral is 117 feet higher than that of the Caspian.--Humboldt.