American Population. -- The celebrated Prussian traveller and statesman, Humboldt, has made the following calculations respecting the population of America. He estimates the total population at 34,284,000 , of which 22,177,000 are Catholics, 11,287,000 Protestants, and 820,000 Pagans; the English language is spoken by 11,297,500, the Spanish by 10,174,000, the Indian languages by 7,800,000 , the Portuguese by 3,740,000, the French by 1,058 000 , the Dutch, &c. by 214,500. The population of Spanish America is 15,985,000, of which 2,937,000 are whites, 7,530,000 Indians, and 5,518,000 mixed races and negroes: Portuguese America contains 4,000,000 persons, of whom 920,000 are whites, 1,960,000 negroes, and 1,120,000 mixed races and Indians.