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Alexander von Humboldt: „The works of god displayed“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <https://humboldt.unibe.ch/text/1810-Pittoreske_Ansichten_in-10-neu> [abgerufen am 12.02.2025].
Permalink: https://humboldt.unibe.ch/text/1810-Pittoreske_Ansichten_in-10-neu |
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Titel | The works of god displayed | ||||
Jahr | 1820 | ||||
Ort | London | ||||
Nachweis in: Methodist Magazine 43 (Januar 1820), S. 42–44
Sprache | Englisch | ||||
Typografischer Befund | Antiqua; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung; Fußnoten mit Asterisken und Kreuzen; Schmuck: Trennzeichen. | ||||
Identifikation |
To the Editor of the Methodist Magazine.
Rev. Sir,
At a period when philosophical research is pressed into theservice of scepticism and infidelity, it must be highly gratifying toreal Christians of every creed, to peruse that valuable departmentof your excellent Magazine, where you have recorded so manyimportant facts, in which the works of God are displayed. Thefollowing description of the Volcano of Cotopaxi, is extractedfrom M. de Humboldt’s Researches in South America. That ma-jestic monument of Omnipotence, is on one of those huge moun-tains, of that extended chain called the Andes, or the Cordilleras,which stretches from the isthmus of Darien, to the straits ofMagellan, a distance of near four thousand miles. While thesceptical philosopher views the stupendous mountain, and is con-founded in every attempt to account for its formation, the humblebeliever in God, in Christ, in the Bible, on the wings of devoutcontemplation, soars to its towering height; and on its loftysummit finds an altar, where he offers to the Maker of the uni-verse the incense of his astonishment and praise. Whether thescientific and indefatigable traveller will approve or blame myeffort, to throw his sublime description of Cotopaxi into the trea-sury of the church of God, I cannot determine; but I sincerelyhope, that its insertion in your useful Miscellany will contributeto the pleasure and profit of many of your pious readers.I am, your’s, &c. G*****. Margate, Feb. 10, 1819.