MEXICO. “The population of Mexico is composed of the same elements as the other Spanish colonies. We notice seven races. 1. Individuals born in Europe, commonly named Gashupines. 2. Spanish Creoles, or whites of the European race, born in America. 3. The Metis, (Mestizos,) descendants of whites and Indians. 4. Mulattoes, descendants of whites and negroes. 5. Zambos, descendants of negroes and Indians. 6. Indians, the copper-colored race of indigenes. 7. African negroes. Abstracting the subdivisions, the result is four casts—1. whites, comprised under the general denomination Spaniards; 2 negroes; 3 Indians; and 4. those of the mixed race, viz: of Europeans, Africans, American Indians, Malais; for, by the frequent communication between Acapulco and the Philippine Isles, many individuals of Asiatic origin, Chinese and Malais, have established themselves in New Spain.” [Humboldt.