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Alexander von Humboldt: „Brief Description of the City of Mexico“, in: ders., Sämtliche Schriften digital, herausgegeben von Oliver Lubrich und Thomas Nehrlich, Universität Bern 2021. URL: <> [abgerufen am 26.01.2025].

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Titel Brief Description of the City of Mexico
Jahr 1817
Ort Washington, District of Columbia
in: Daily National Intelligencer 5:1500 (29. Oktober 1817), S. [2].
Sprache Englisch
Typografischer Befund Antiqua; Spaltensatz; Auszeichnung: Kursivierung; Fußnoten mit Asterisken, Kreuzen und Paragraphen.
Textnummer Druckausgabe: II.76
Dateiname: 1809-Voyage_de_MM-22-neu
Seitenanzahl: 1
Spaltenanzahl: 1
Zeichenanzahl: 5511

Weitere Fassungen
Voyage de MM. Humboldt et Bonpland (Paris, 1809, Französisch)
Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne (Paris, 1809, Französisch)
Fragmente aus dem neuesten Hefte des v. Humboldt’schen Werkes über den politischen Zustand des Königreichs Neu-Spanien (Stuttgart; Tübingen, 1809, Deutsch)
Berührungen der russischen Macht mit den spanischen Colonien in Amerika, nebst Nachrichten über die neueste Entdeckungs-Politik verschiedener europäischen Mächte im Nord-Westen dieses Welttheils, aus Hrn. v. Humbolds Werke über Mexiko (Tübingen, 1809, Deutsch)
Account of the Character and present Condition of the different Classes of Inhabitants in Mexico, or New Spain (Edinburgh, 1810, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New Spain (Boston, Massachusetts, 1811, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New Spain (Providence, Rhode Island, 1811, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New Spain (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1811, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New-Spain (Washington, District of Columbia, 1811, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New Spain (Worcester, Massachusetts, 1811, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New Spain (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1811, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New-Spain (Washington, District of Columbia, 1811, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New-Spain (Concord, Massachusetts, 1811, Englisch)
Humboldt’s History of New Spain (Charleston, South Carolina, 1811, Englisch)
[Voyage de MM. Humboldt et Bonpland] (Oxford, 1811, Englisch)
[Voyage de MM. Humboldt et Bonpland] (London, 1811, Englisch)
General Considerations on the Extent and Physical Aspect of the Kingdom of New Spain, from Baron de Humboldt’s Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1811, Englisch)
Present State of the Kingdom of Mexico (London, 1811, Englisch)
From the Baron Humboldt’s ‚Political essay on the kingdom of New-Spain‘ (St. Louis, Missouri, 1812, Englisch)
Political Essay in the Kingdom of New Spain, containing researches relative to the geography of Mexico, the extent of ist surface, and its political division into intendancies, &c. &c. With physical sections and maps, founded on astronomical observations, and trigonometrical and barometrical measurements. Translated from the original French, by John Black. Vols. I and II. New-York. Riley, 1811. 8vo. (New York City, New York, 1811, Englisch)
Mexico (Providence, Rhode Island, 1816, Englisch)
Brief Description of the City of Mexico (Washington, District of Columbia, 1817, Englisch)
Extract from Humboldt’s New Spain. Brief description of the City of Mexico (Alexandria, Virginia, 1817, Englisch)
Brief description of the city of Mexico (Trenton, New Jersey, 1817, Englisch)
Interesting Geographical Notice (Newburyport, Massachusetts, 1819, Englisch)
Idea of Mexican Wealth (New York City, New York, 1819, Englisch)
[Interesting Geographical Notice] (Boston, Massachusetts, 1819, Englisch)
Idea of Mexican Wealth (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1819, Englisch)
Interesting geographical notice (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1819, Englisch)
Interesting geographical notice (Baltimore, Maryland, 1819, Englisch)
Translation from Humboldt’s Essai Politique, &c. Vol. 1, p. 8, &c. (Mount Pleasant, Ohio, 1819, Englisch)
Idea of Mexican Wealth (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1819, Englisch)
Mexico (Providence, Rhode Island, 1820, Englisch)
Mexico (Danville, Kentucky, 1820, Englisch)
Mexico (Mobile, Alabama, 1820, Englisch)
[Voyage de MM. Humboldt et Bonpland] (Salem, Massachusetts, 1821, Englisch)
The City of Mexico (Annapolis, Maryland, 1821, Englisch)
Essay on the possibility of effecting a navigable communication between The Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean (London, 1830, Englisch)
[Voyage de MM. Humboldt et Bonpland] (Albany, New York, 1832, Englisch)
How they do in Mexico (Boston, Massachusetts, 1832, Englisch)
Mexican Wealth (Wilmington, North Carolina, 1847, Englisch)
Mexican Wealth (Hillsborough, North Carolina, 1847, Englisch)
Historical, Topographical, and Geographical Sketch of the Californias (New Orleans, Louisiana, 1849, Englisch)
|2| |Spaltenumbruch|


Extract from Humboldt’s New Spain.

Mexico has been very much embel-lished since the residence of the Abbe Chappe there in 1769. The edifice des-tined to the school of mines, for which therichest individuals of the country furnish-ed a sum of more than three millionsfrancs, * would adorn the principal placesof Paris or London. Two great palaces[hotels] were recently constructed byMexican artists, pupils of the academy ofFine Arts of the capital. One of thesepalaces, in the quarter della Traspana, exhibits in the interior of the court a verybeautiful oval perystyle, of coupled col-umns. The traveller justly admires avast circumference paved with porphyryflags, and enclosed with an iron railing,richly ornamented with bronze, contain-ing an equestrian statue of King Charlesthe Fourth, placed on a pedestal of Mexi-can marble, in the midst of the Plaza Ma-jor of Mexico, opposite the cathedral andthe viceroy’s palace. However, it mustbe agreed, that notwithstanding the pro-gress of the arts within these last thirtyyears, it is much less from the grandeurand beauty of the monuments, than fromthe breadth & straightness of the streets,and much less from its edifices than fromits uniform regularity, its extent and po-sition, that the capital of New Spain at-tracts the admiration of Europeans. Froma singular concurrence of circumstances,I have seen successivly, within a veryshort space of time, Lima, Mexico, Phi-ladelphia, Washington, Paris, Rome, Na-ples, and the largest cities of Germany.By comparing together impressionswhich follow in rapid succession, we areenabled to rectify any opinion which wemay have too easily adopted. Notwith-standing such unavoidable comparisons,of which several, one would think, musthave proved disadvantageous to the ca-pital of Mexico, it has left in me a re-collection of grandeur which I principal-ly attribute to the majestic character ofits situation and the surrounding scenery. In fact, nothing can present a morerich and varied appearance than the val-ley, when, in a fine summer morning,the sky without a cloud, and of thatdeep azure which is peculiar to the dryand rarefied air of high mountains, wetransport ourselves to the top of one ofthe towers of the cathedral of Mexico, orascend the hill of Chapoltepec. A beauti-ful vegetation surrounds this hill. Oldcypress trunks§ of more than 15 and 16metres in circumference, raise their na-ked head above those of the Schinus,which resemble in their appearance theweeping willows of the east. From thecentre of this solitude, the summit of theporphyritical rock of Chapoltepec, theeye sweeps over a vast plain of carefullycultivated fields, which extend to thevery feet of the colossal mountains cov-ered with perpetual snow. The city ap-pears as if washed by the waters of thelake of Tezcuco, whose basin, surround-ed with villages and hamlets, brings tomind the most beautiful lakes of themountains of Switzerland. Large avenuesof elms and poplars lead in every direc-tion to the capital; and two aqueducts,constructed over arches of very great ele-vation, cross the plain, and exhibit an ap-pearance equally agreeable and interest-ing. The magnificent convent of Nues-tra Senora de Guadaloupe, appears joinedto the mountains of Tepeyacac, amongravines, which shelter a few date andyoung yucca trees. Towards the south,the whole tract between San Angel, Ta-cabaya, and San Augustin de las Cuevas,appears an immense garden of orange,peach, apple, cherry, and other Europeanfruit trees. This beautiful cultivationforms a singular contrast with the wildappearance of the naked mountains whichenclose the valley, among which the fa-mous volcanoes of La Puebla, Popocate-petl, and Iztaccihuatl are the most distin-guished. The first of these forms an e-normous cone, of which the crater, con-tinually inflamed and throwing up smokeand ashes, opens in the midst of eternalsnows.

* 124,800l. sterling. Trans. See chap. VII. This colossal statue was executed at theexpence of the Marquis de Branciforte, for-merly viceroy of Mexico, brother-in-law to thePrince of Peace. It weighs 450 quintals, andwas modelled, founded and placed by thesame artist, M. Tolsa, whose name deserves adistinguished place in the history of Spanishsculpture. The merits of this man of geniuscan only be appreciated by those who knowthe difficulties with which the execution ofthese great works of art are attended even incivilized Europe. From the plan of the City of Washington,and from the magnificence of its capitol, ofwhich I only saw a part completed, the FederalCity will undoubtedly one day be a much finercity than Mexico. Philadelphia has also thesame mode of construction. The alleys ofplatanus, acacia, and populous heterophylla,which adorn its streets, almost give it a ruralbeauty. The vegetation of the banks of thePotomac and Delaware is also richer than whatwe find 2,800 metres (7,500 feet) of elevationon the ridge of the Mexican Cordilleras. ButWashington and Philadelphia will always looklike European cities. They will not strike theeyes of the traveller with that peculiar, I maysay, exotic character which belongs to Mexi-co, Santa Fe de Bogata, Quito, and all the tro-pical capitals, constructed at an elevation ashigh or higher than the passage of the greatSt. Bernard.§ Los Ahuahuetes. Cupressus disticha Lin. 49 and 52 feet. Trans.